Abstract | Dijete uči govor koristeći ga, upoznajući nove riječi, te kroz razne praktične aktivnosti u interakciji s roditeljima, odgojiteljima i s ostalima. Stvaranje raznih situacija u kojima dijete imati mogućnost razvijati svoju komunikaciju, bogatiti svoj rječnik, pomoći će mu ovladati i ostalim aktivnostima, te pozitivno utjecati na njegov razvoj. Upravo nam aktivnost zajedničkog slušanja i promatranja slikovnice, slike kao vizualnog medija, omogućava poticanje dječjeg razvoja. Ona ima mogućnost povezivanja poznate stvarnosti, a kasnije, kako dijete raste, ono otkriva i ono što je u realnosti nedokučivo. Kroz provedeno istraživanje sa djecom predškolske dobi o usporedbi tradicionalnog i modernog pripovijedanja na primjeru autorske strip-slikovnice može se zaključiti da je potrebno primjenjivati oba načina podjednako, jer kroz razne aktivnosti motiviramo djecu da zavole dječju književnost, prvenstveno slikovnice. One su poticaj za stvaranje budućeg aktivnog čitatelja, a možda i pisca ili ilustratora. Posebnost u stvaranju strip-slikovnice je odnos između slike i teksta, koje govore u isto vrijeme. Tijekom istraživanja se pokazalo da je takav odnos djeci bliži, pristupačniji. Njihova pozitivna reakcija i doživljaj strip-slikovnice kao, u početku, slike bez teksta, gdje su morali slušati i pratiti priču, važna je i zbog razvoja koncentracije i motivacije za dovršetkom priče. Važnost slikovnice, kao djetetove prve knjige, njena svrha i ciljevi koju ona može imati, postavlja visoke kriterije u stvaranju autorskog rada. Osim važnosti u razvoju dječjeg rječnika do izraza dolazi i njena estetska i likovna vrijednost. Stoga možemo reći da je dobra slikovnica ona koja oplemenjuje djetetov razvoj, ima usklađenu tekstualnu i likovnu komponentu, te je primjerena dječjem uzrastu, razvija maštu i osjećaj za dobro. |
Abstract (english) | A child learns speech by using it, learning new words and through many different activities with parents, teachers and others. Creating various and varied situations in which children have the opportunity to develop their communication, enrich their vocabulary, will help them master other activities, and positively affect their development. The activity of listening and observing picture books together through the picture as a visual medium enables children's development. It is the activity of listening and observing the picture book together, the image as a visual medium, that enables us to encourage children's development. It has the ability to connect a known reality, and later, as the child grows, he discovers what is incomprehensible in reality. Through research with preschool children on the comparison of traditional and modern storytelling on the example of the author's comic book, it can be concluded that it is necessary to apply both methods equally, because through various activities we motivate children to love children's literature, primarily picture books. They are an incentive to create a future active reader, and perhaps a writer or an illustrator. A special feature in creating a comic book is the relationship between the image and the text, which are intertwined. Research has shown that such an approach is closer and more accessible to children. Their positive reaction and experience of a comic book picture book as textless pictures at the start where they had to listen and follow the story is also important because of the development of concentration and motivation to complete the story. The importance of a picture book, as a child's first book, its purpose and the goals it can have, sets high criteria in the creation of an author's work. Apart from its importance in the development of children's vocabulary, its aesthetic and artistic value also proves important. Therefore, we can say that a good picture book is one that enriches a child's development, has a harmonized textual and artistic component, is appropriate for children's age and develops imagination and a sense of good. |