Title Osnivanje školskog vrta
Title (english) Starting a school garden
Author Sanja Šarić
Mentor Marko Ćaleta (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Cvikić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alena Letina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Ćaleta (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy School Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Abstract Školski vrt prije svega može se promatrati kao prostor koji je potrebno oblikovati kako bi on mogao služiti za odgoj i obrazovanje. Osnivanjem školskog vrta tj. njegovim uređenjem oblikuje se učionica na otvorenom, a uključivanjem određenih objekata poput gredica za pokuse, staklenika i ostalih objekata proširuju se mogućnosti koje mogu poslužiti učitelju kao pomoćno sredstvo za zornu obuku. Svaki školski vrt je poseban: neki je manji, neki je veći, neki ima manje objekata, neki više, ali svaki od njih ispunjava istu svrhu - odgoj i obrazovanje.
Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati povijesni razvoj, tj. funkciju školskih vrtova, pružiti najpotrebnije informacije vezane uz uređenje školskih vrtova te ispitati trenutno stanje istih na području Grada Zagreba.
U teorijskom dijelu rada prikazani su povijest i izgled školskih vrtova, a u empirijskom su dijelu prikazani podatci prikupljeni istraživanjem. U posljednjem poglavlju navedeni su primjeri tri školska vrta na području Grada Zagreba: školski vrt OŠ Davorina Trstenjaka, OŠ Jordanovac i OŠ Granešina.
Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 80 osnovnih škola na području Grada Zagreba. Podatci su prikupljeni metodom telefonskog upitnika.
Rezultati su istraživanja pokazali da u 42,50 % škola postoji školski vrt, dok u 57,50 % ne postoji.
Zabilježen je porast osnivanja školskih vrtova u zadnjih pet godina, međutim podatci dobiveni istraživanjem ne potvrđuju da postoji interes za osnivanjem istih u školama koje ih nemaju. Kao razlog nepostojanja školskog vrta ističu se tri najčešće objektivne prepreke, a to su: nedostatak prostora za školski vrt unutar školskog dvorišta, nedostatak financijskih sredstava i nedostatak vremena u Nastavnom planu i programu učitelja.
Abstract (english) The school garden can primarily be seen as a space that needs to be designed so that it can be used for upbringing and education. The establishment of a school garden, ie its arrangement, shapes the outdoor classroom, and the inclusion of certain facilities such as experimental beds, greenhouses and other facilities expands the possibilities that can serve as a teacher's aid for visual training. Every school garden is special, some are smaller, some are bigger, some have fewer facilities, some more, and yet each of them fulfills the same purpose, and that is upbringing and education.
The main goal of this paper was to present the historical development, ie the function of school gardens and provide the most necessary information related to the arrangement of school gardens, and examine the current state of the same in the City of Zagreb.
The theoretical part of the paper presents the history and appearance of school gardens, and the empirical part presents data collected by research. The last chapter gives examples of three school gardens in the City of Zagreb, Davorin Trstenjak Elementary School, Jordanovac Elementary School and Granešina Elementary School.
The research was conducted on a sample of 80 primary schools in the City of Zagreb. Data were collected by telephone questionnaire.
The results of the research showed that in 42.50 % of schools there is a school garden while in 57.50 % there is none.
There has been an increase in the establishment of school gardens in the last five years. However, the data obtained from the research do not confirm that there is an interest in establishing them in schools that do not have them. The three most common objective obstacles stand out as the reason for the non-existence of the school garden, namely: lack of space for the school garden within the school yard, lack of financial resources and lack of time in the teacher's curriculum.
osnivanje školskog vrta
povijest školskog vrta
izgled školskog vrta
analiza školskih vrtova
Keywords (english)
school garden establishment
school garden history
school garden layout
school garden analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:474270
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-27 08:23:11