Title Međupredmetna povezanost matematike s ostalim predmetima razredne nastave
Title (english) Interdisciplinary connection of math and other subjects in lower classes of primary school
Author Lucija Mikulec
Mentor Goran Trupčević (mentor)
Committee member Goran Trupčević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Svetlana Novaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božica Vuić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Abstract Matematika je neizostavan dio naših života, a matematičko je znanje nužno i u razumijevanju koncepata drugih područja poput društvenih studija, glazbe i umjetnosti. Važnost međupredmetnog povezivanja, osim u samoj vezi matematike s ostalim nastavnim područjima, očituje se i u načinu na koji učenici primaju i zadržavaju informacije. Primjenom interdisciplinarnosti u nastavi zadovoljavaju se koraci ostvarenja optimalnog učenja i učenicima se pružaju zaokružena cjelina i razumijevanje sadržaja na dubljoj razini. Pregledom kurikula nastavnih predmeta za osnovne škole i gimnazije donesenih 2019. godine mogu se pronaći poticaji za korelaciju u razradama odgojno-obrazovnih ishoda. U ovom su radu prikazani neki od načina na koje se međupredmetno povezivanje s Matematikom može provesti u praksi, a provedena je i analiza kurikula koja je, među ostalim, pokazala da se Matematika malo ili uopće ne spominje u kurikulima ostalih premeta, dok Kurikulum nastavnoga predmeta Matematika za osnovne škole i gimnazije navodi mogućnosti korelacije matematičkih sadržaja sa sadržajima ostalih predmeta u gotovo polovici ukupnoga broja odgojno-obrazovnih ishoda obuhvaćenih razrednom nastavom. Hrvatski jezik i Priroda i društvo nastavni su predmeti koji se, prema kurikulu, mogu povezati s matematičkim sadržajem u najvećoj mjeri, a sadržaji domene D-Mjerenje u tome su najzastupljeniji. Donošenjem novog kurikula nastavlja se vrlo potrebna preobrazba tradicionalne nastave u suvremenu koja ispunjava zahtjeve modernoga društva, kojega je matematika neizostavan dio, no učitelji i nastavnici ne bi se u provedbi interdisciplinarnoga pristupa u nastavi trebali oslanjati isključivo na smjernice iz kurikula. Mogućnost međupredmetnog povezivanja mnogo je veća od one izravno navedene kurikulom pa je dužnost svakog učitelja i nastavnika samostalno se informirati i usavršavati svoje nastavničke kompetencije sa svrhom pružanja sveobuhvatne i kvalitetne nastave.
Abstract (english) Mathematics is an indispensable part of our lives, and mathematical knowledge is also necessary in understanding the concepts of other fields such as social studies, music and art. The importance of cross-curricular connection, apart from the connection of mathematics with other teaching areas, is also evident in the way students receive and store information. By applying interdisciplinarity in teaching, the steps to achieving optimal learning are met and students are provided with a well rounded unit and understanding of the content on a deeper level. By reviewing the curriculum of teaching subjects for elementary schools and high schools adopted in 2019, incentives for correlation can be found in the elaboration of educational outcomes section. This paper aims to present some of the ways in which cross-curricular connections with Mathematics can be implemented in practice, and also discusses results of curriculum analysis, which showed, among other things, that Mathematics is little or not mentioned at all in the curricula of other subjects, while the Curriculum of the subject Mathematics for elementary schools and high schools lists the possibilities of correlation of mathematical contents with the contents of other subjects in almost half of the total number of educational outcomes included in early middle school teaching. The Croatian language and Nature and society are the subjects that, according to the curriculum, can be connected with the mathematical content to the greatest extent, and the contents of the domain D-Measurement are the most represented in this. Implementation of the new curriculum continues the much-needed transformation of traditional teaching into a present day one that meets the demands of modern society, of which mathematics is a vital part. However, teachers should not rely exclusively on guidelines from the curriculum in implementing an interdisciplinary approach in teaching. The possibility of cross-curricular connection is much greater than that directly stated in curriculum, and it is the duty of every teacher to autonomously inform and improve their teaching competencies with the aim of providing comprehensive and high-quality teaching.
razredna nastava
međupredmetno povezivanje
integracija i korelacija
Keywords (english)
elementary school education
interdisciplinary connections
integration and correlation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:494366
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-10-25 08:04:22