Abstract | Igra je najvažnija aktivnost djece koju istražuju i objašnjavaju brojni stručnjaci. Svako dijete se igra zbog urođenog impulsa i unutrašnje motivacije za igrom. Kao odgojno-obrazovna aktivnost, igra je vrlo važno sredstvo za učenje u najranijoj dobi. Djeca igrom upoznaju sebe i svijet koji ih okružuje, izražavaju želju za zajedništvom, suradnjom i fizičkom aktivnošću. Igrajući se djeca prerađuju vlastita iskustva i društvene odnose čime shvaća svoju ulogu u svijetu i otkriva svoj identitet. Kroz igru izražava svoje strahove, proživljava ono što nije, a želi doživjeti i pokazuje ono što mu je istinski važno. Odgojitelji imaju značajnu ulogu u razvoju dječje igre opremanjem prostora s materijalima koji moraju pratiti dječje interese i razvojne faze, raspoređivanjem prostora, uključivanjem u dječju igru, osiguravanjem dovoljnog vremena za igru te pažljivim slušanjem i promatranjem djece u igri. Period ranog djetinjstva je razdoblje u kojem djeca aktivno uče i razvijaju vještine. Ispravnim poticanjem dječje igre, odgojitelji djeci stvaraju podlogu za nesmetano učenje. Kako bi se aktivno poticalo dječje učenje, uz slobodnu igru, odgojitelji i učitelji kao sredstvo učenja koriste i didaktičku igru. Didaktička igra rezultira učenjem, a prati ju zadovoljstvo i ugoda. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati mišljenja odgojitelja djece rane i predškolske dobi o igri u ustanovama ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja te utvrditi razlike u stavovima odgojitelja. Razlike su se procjenjivale u odnosu na inicijalno obrazovanje, mjesto rada, sudjelovanje na usavršavanjima te procjeni vlastitih kompetencija za podupiranje igre. Pretpostavljeno je da odgojitelji procjenjuju vlastite kompetencije s visokom ocjenom te da postoji razlika u procjeni igre s obzirom na prethodno nabrojane karakteristike. Uzorak su sačinjavali odgojitelji djece rane i predškolske dobi na području Republike Hrvatske (N=200), pri čemu su ispitanici većinski više stručne spreme (70,5%, f=141), zatim slijedi visoka stručna sprema (28%, f=56) te na posljetku srednja stručna sprema (1,5%, f=3). Najviše ispitanika radi na području malog grada (do 50 000 stanovnika, 28,5%, f=57) i velegrada (više od 500 000 stanovnika, 25,5%, f=51), 19% ispitanika (f=38) radi u ruralnoj sredini, 18% (f=36) u srednje velikom gradu (od 50 000 do 100 000 stanovnika) te 9% (f=18) u velikom gradu (od 100 000 do 500 000 stanovnika). Utvrđeno je da postoje statistički značajne razlike u barem jednoj tvrdnji za sve pretpostavljene hipoteze. Odgojitelji se slažu s time da igra pridonosi dobrobiti djeteta (M=6,95, SD=0,26) te da organiziranje poticajne okoline pozitivno utječe na razvoj djetetove igre (M=6,91, SD=0,37), a ne slažu s tvrdnjom da dijete mora biti svjesno da mora učiti kroz didaktičku igru (M=3,16, SD=1,87) te s tvrdnjom da se tijekom didaktičke igre djecu treba ispravljati (M=3,45, SD=1,86). |
Abstract (english) | Play is the most important activity for children, which is researched and explained by numerous experts. Every child plays because of an innate impulse and inner motivation to play. As an educational activity, play is very important mean of learning at an early age. Through play, children get to know themselves and the world around them and express their desire for community, cooperation, and physical activity. While playing, children process their own experiences and social relationships, thus understanding their role in the world and discovering their identity. Through play, they express their fears and show what is truly important to them. Educators have a significant role in the development of children's play by equipping the space with materials that must follow the children's interests and developmental stages, arranging the space, involving them in the children's play, ensuring sufficient time for play, and carefully listening and observing the children at play. Early childhood is a period in which children actively learn and develop skills. By properly encouraging children's play, educators create a foundation for children to learn without hindrance. To actively encourage children's learning, in addition to free play, educators and teachers also use didactic games as a means of learning. A didactic game results in learning, and it is accompanied by pleasure and enjoyment. The aim of this research was to examine the opinions of educators of early and preschool education about play in institutions of early and preschool education and to determine the differences in educators' attitudes. Differences were assessed to initial education, place of work, participation in training, and assessment of one's competencies to support the game. It was assumed that the educators evaluate their competencies with a high rating and that there is a difference in the assessment of the game concerning the previously listed characteristics. The sample consisted of educators of early and preschool children in the territory of the Republic of Croatia (N=200), with the majority of respondents having bachelor degree education (70.5%, f=141), followed by master degree education (28%, f=56) and finally highschool education (1.5%, f=3). Most respondents work in small towns (up to 50,000 inhabitants, 28.5%, f=57) and big cities (more than 500,000 inhabitants, 25.5%, f=51), 19% of respondents (f=38) work in a rural area, 18% (f=36) in a medium-sized city (from 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants) and 9% (f=18) in a large city (from 100,000 to 500,000 inhabitants). It was found that there are statistically significant differences in at least one statement for all hypothesized hypotheses. Educators agree that play contributes to the child's well-being (M=6.95, SD=0.26) and that organizing a stimulating environment has a positive effect on the development of the child's play (M=6.91, SD=0.37), and do not agree with the statement that the child must be aware that he has to learn through a didactic game (M=3.16, SD=1.87) and with the statement that children should be corrected during the didactic game (M=3.45, SD=1.86 ). |