Title Majka i studentica: Konflikt između zahtjeva različitih uloga
Title (english) Mother and student: Conflicting requirements of two different ro
Author Anamarija Perić
Mentor Silvia Rogošić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Krznar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvia Rogošić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrinka Vukojević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract S obzirom da čovjek često igra više različitih uloga istovremeno, uloge mogu biti međusobno nedosljedne, kontradiktorne ili međusobno isključive. U određenim situacijama dolazi do sukoba uloga. Pojedinac ne može realno postupati u skladu s očekivanjima koja iz različitih uloga proizlaze. Prisiljen je odabrati jednu od nekoliko alternativa: može napustiti jednu ulogu i prionuti na drugu, može pokušati ostvariti kompromis između uloga ili se može povući fizički i/ili psihički iz uloga uopće. U svakom slučaju, tijekom bilo kojeg dugotrajnog razdoblja, ako pojedinac ne može u potpunosti ispuniti očekivanja svih uloga, smatra se neučinkovitim u upravljanju jednom od uloga koju definiraju grupe (Getzels J.W. & Guba E.G, 1954). Majke studentice često se alaze u snažnom konfliktu uloga te nailaze na prepreke u ispunjavanju očekivanja koja su povezana s ulogom majke ili studentice. Zadaća ovog diplomskog rada je ispitati iskustva majki studentica i ustanoviti najčešće probleme s kojima se susreću. Provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje u kojem se kao istraživačka metoda koristio polustrukturirani intervju. U individualnim intervjuima sudjelovalo je ukupno 17 ispitanica sa iskustvom istovremenog majčinstva i studiranja. Nalazi istraživanja pružaju detaljan uvid u iskustva majki studentica. Rezultati pokazuju da su iskustva majki studentica uglavnom pozitivna, ali ispitanice su isticale i probleme na koje nailaze. Najčešći problemi majki studentica su nedostatak vremena za kontinuirano pohađanje fakulteta i obavljanje studentskih obveza, tj. teškoće s organizacijom vremena, zakonske odredbe koje se tiču upisa djece (čiji su roditelj/i izvanredni studenti) u vrtić, nepredvidive situacije (npr. bolest djeteta i sl.) zbog kojih moraju pravdati izostanke na fakultetu češće od ostalih studenata/ica i ne nailaze uvijek na razumijevanje profesora te nedovoljna potpora supruga ili drugih članova obitelji. U radu se raspravlja o načinima na koje obrazovne institucije mogu doprinijeti boljem položaju majki studentica.
Abstract (english) Given that a person often plays several different roles at the same time, the roles can be mutually inconsistent, contradictory, or mutually exclusive. In certain situations, there comes to a conflict of roles. An individual cannot realistically act in accordance with the expectations arising from different roles. He is forced to choose one of several alternatives: he can leave one role and take on another, he can try to reach some compromise between the roles, or he can withdraw physically and/or mentally from the roles altogether. In any case, over any long-term period, if he cannot fully fulfill the expectations of all roles, he is considered ineffective in managing one of the roles defined by the groups (Getzels J.W. & Guba E.G, 1954) Student mothers often find themselves in a strong role conflict and encounter obstacles in fulfilling the expectations associated with the role of mother or student. The task of this thesis is to examine the experiences of student mothers and to establish the most common problems they face. In qualitative research that was conducted, as a research method it was used a semi-structured interview. A total of 17 respondents with the experience of simultaneous motherhood and studies participated in the individual interviews. The research findings provide a detailed insight into the experiences of student mothers. The results show that the experiences of student mothers are mostly positive, but the respondents also pointed out the numerous challenges they face. The most common problems faced by student mothers are the lack of time to continuously attend college and to perform student duties, i.e. difficulties with organizing time, legal provisions regarding the enrollment of children (whose parent/s are part-time students) in kindergarten, unpredictable situations (e.g. illness of a child, etc.) due to which they have to justify absences at the university more often than other students and insufficient support from their husbands or other family members. The paper discusses ways in which educational institutions can contribute to a better position of student mothers.
konflikt uloga
Keywords (english)
role conflict
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:305539
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-02-21 12:19:39