Abstract | Pedagogija ljubavi te don Boscov život i misao, koji su posvećeni odgoju djece, tematska je podloga ovoga rada na kojoj se promišlja o govoru odgojitelja i odgojiteljevoj ukupnoj komunikaciji s djecom. Tako se u radu, uvidom u dostupnu literaturu, donose temeljne spoznaje o pedagogiji ljubavi – pedagoškom pravcu čiji je utemeljitelj don Bosco, a u kojem se ističe ljubav kao temelj svega djelovanja u odgojno-obrazovnom radu s djecom.
U prvom dijelu rada predstavljene su alternativne pedagoške ideje don Bosca, A. S. Makarenka i A. S. Neilla. Budući da su u Hrvatskoj prisutne svojim radom i dobro afirmirane različite alternativne škole, u radu su, opisane neke od najzastupljenijih, a to su: Reggio, Agazzi, Waldorf i Montessori pedagogija. Druga cjelina rada posvećena je predstavljanju jedne od pedagogija koja je aktualna već više od stoljeća, a s obzirom na to da je joj je temelj ljubav, njezin utemeljitelj don Ivan Bosco naziva ju pedagogijom ljubavi. Kroz čitav rad provlači se temeljna misaona preokupacija – važnost kvalitetnog dijaloga između odgojitelja i djece. U djelovanju i u mislima don Bosca uočavaju se i izdvajaju oni segmenti koji mogu biti inspirativni za govor i komunikaciju u odgojiteljskoj profesiji. Tako je predstavljen don Bosco kao aktivni slušatelj djece i odraslih te kao onaj koji je pridavao značajnu pozornost neverbalnoj komunikaciji u odnosu s drugima. Osim u svakodnevnom radu s djecom, don Bosco je i u suradnji s odraslima, posebno u pregovorima za svoje odgojno-obrazovno djelovanje, pokazivao mudrost, smirenost i visoku razinu komunikacijskih vještina. Primjer njegovih komunikacijskih vještina uspoređen je s profesionalnom interakcijom odgojitelja sa svim sudionicima u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. Zaključuje se iz svega navedenoga da ljubav, koja je temelj odgojnog djelovanja don Bosca, vrijedi osvijestiti i postaviti kao osnovu za svekoliku komunikaciju u odgojiteljskoj profesiji, posebno onu u interakciji odgojitelja i djece. |
Abstract (english) | The pedagogy of love and don Bosco’s life and thought, which are dedicated to the education of children, is the thematic background of this thesis, which reflect on the teacher’ speech and the educator’s overall communication with children. In this thesis, through an insight into the available literature, fundamental knowledge is brought about the pedagogy of love- the pedagogical direction founded by don Bosco, in which love is emphasized as the basic of all activities in educational work with children.
In the first of the thesis, alternative pedagogical ideas of don Bosco, A.S. Makarenko and A.S. Neill are presented. Since various alternative schools are present in Croatia with their work and are well established, the thesis describes some of the most represented ones: Reggio, Agazzi, Waldorf and Montessori pedagogy. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the presentation of one of the pedagogies that has been relevant for more than a century, and given that its foundation is love, its founder, don Ivan Bosco, calls it pedagogy of love. A fundamental preoccupation runs through the entire work- the importance of quality dialogue between educators and children. In the actions and thoughts of don Bosco, those segments that can be inspiring for speech and communication in the educational profession can be observed and singled out. This is how don Bosco is presented, as an active listener of children and adults and as one who paid significant attention to non-verbal communication in his relationship with others. In addition to his daily work children, don Bosco showed wisdom, calmness, and a high level of communication skills in cooperation with adults, especially in negotiations for his educational activities. An example of his communication skills was compared to the professional interaction of the educator with all participants in the educational process. It is concluded from all of the above that love, which is the basic of don Bosco educational work, is worth making aware of and setting as the basic for all communication in the education profession, especially that in the interaction between educators and children. |