Abstract | Djeca urednog razvoja razvijaju se pravilno. Oko drugog mjeseca života prestaju refleksne radnje i počinju se javljati voljni pokreti. Jedan od prvih pokreta djeteta je kada ono traži maminu dojku. Oko trećeg se mjeseca razvijaju facijalni mišići pa se javlja prvi tzv. socijalni smiješak. Oko šestog mjeseca se dijete okreće na bok, a do osmog bi se mjeseca trebalo moći samostalno posjesti. S navršenom godinom dana djeca urednog razvoja već ustaju i drže se za namještaj dok se kreću percipirajući prostor koji ih okružuje. Stajanje je zadnja stepenica do hodanja. Nakon što nauči hodati se počinje penjati te oponaša pokrete odraslih. Kasnije se razvija fina motorika prstiju i šaka pa djeca počinju crtati, rezati i sl. Što se pak djece koja su hipotona tiče, njihov razvoj kasni. Razlozi za ovaj poremećaj su razni, a dječak s kojim je autorica vježbala imao je cistu na mozgu i preveliku glavu u odnosu na sitno tijelo. Redovito je išao na vježbe kod fizioterapeutkinje, a vježbao je i kod kuće. Kod kuće je vježbao samo bobath, a kod fizioterapeutkinje i bobath i vojtu. S obzirom na veličinu njegove glave, udovi i kralježnica su se stalno naprezali te je dijete naučilo krive pokrete tijela. Na primjer, šake su mu previše dugo bile zatvorene, a pogotovo dok bi se oslanjao na ruke, nije imao obrambene mehanizme dočekivanja na ruke pri padovima, nepravilno bi čučnuo tako da je koljena skvrčio u iks umjesto da su noge ravne itd. Bio je nesiguran u društvu svojih vršnjaka jer nije bio motorički na istoj razini pa je njegov socijalni život trpio. Više se držao odraslih. Zahvaljujući vježbama se sve to popravilo. |
Abstract (english) | Children with regular development develop properly. Around the second month of life, reflex actions stop and voluntary movements begin to appear. One of the first movements of a child is when he is looking for his mother's breast. Around the third month, the facial muscles develop, so the first so-called social smile appear. Around the sixth month, the child will turn on its side, and by the eighth month it should be able to sit up independently. At the age of one year, well-developed children already stand up and hold on to the furniture while they move, perceiving the space that surrounds them. Standing is the last step to walking. After he learns to walk, he starts to climb and imitates the movements of adults. Later, the fine motor skills of fingers and hands develop, so children begin to draw, cut, etc. As for children who are hypotonic, their development is delayed. The reasons for this disorder are different, and the boy with whom the author practiced had a brain cyst and a head that was too big for his small body. He regularly went to exercises with a physiotherapist, and he also practiced at home. At home he practiced only bobath, and at the physiotherapist both bobath and vojta. Given the size of his head, his limbs and spine were constantly strained and the child learned wrong body movements. For example, his fists were closed for too long, and especially while leaning on his hands, he didn't have a defense mechanism to catch his hands when falling, he would squat improperly with his knees curled into an X instead of his legs being straight, etc. He was insecure in the company of his peers because his motor skills were not at the same level, so his social life suffered. He leaned more towards the adults. Thanks to the exercises, it all improved. |