Title Planiranje i praćenje u projektnom pristupu učenju
Title (english) Planning and monitoring in a project approach to learning
Author Josipa Drgestin
Mentor Daria Tot (mentor)
Committee member Anka Jurčević-Lozančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nevenka Maras (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daria Tot (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Odgojitelji nastoje prepoznati individualne potrebe djece kako bi mogli svoj rad prilagoditi njihovim potrebama i željama. Takva atmosfera u vrtiću potiče dječju kreativnost i sposobnost, a usmjerenost na njih podrazumijeva razvoj i odgoj autonomije i slobode svakog djeteta. Integriranost kurikuluma je bitna značajka koja uključuje cjeloviti odgoj i obrazovanje usklađen s integriranim načinom prirodnog učenja djeteta. Odgojitelj u vrtiću nema ulogu izravnog poučavatelja već neizravnog vođe koji
... More organizira okolinu i materijale za rad kako bi djecu naučio samostalnosti i stjecanju znanja. Također je vrlo bitno da dijete samostalno shvati jesu li njegovi postupci u redu ili ne jer se u suprotnom može razvijati kao biće koje je ovisno o mišljenju drugih. Odgojitelji također trebaju graditi povjerenje u djecu i njihove sposobnosti te trebaju poticati njihove ideje i samostalnost. Cilj je postići da djeca samostalno iniciraju aktivnosti, dolaze do zaključka te nauče preuzeti odgovornost za vlastite postupke. S obzirom na način provođenja projektnih aktivnosti, postoje različite koncepcije rada pa sam tako opisala značajke Katz i Chard, Reggio, Cvetković Lay i Korak po korak koncepcije rada kroz naglasak na njihove sličnost i osnovne razlike. Dječje aktivnosti mogu se pratiti kroz likovne radove, plakate, makete, fotografije, video zapise i slične tragove koji ostaju iza samostalnoga ili grupnoga rada djece što čini dokumentaciju. U radu je kroz fotografije prikazana projektna aktivnost i dio dokumentacije na temu „Životinje“ u jednom zagrebačkom vrtiću. Roditelji i odgojitelji kroz praćenje aktivnosti i putem dokumentiranja bolje upoznaju dijete i njegove interese, a to razvija partnerski odnos koji je važan za kvalitetan rad odgojno-obrazovne ustanove. Less
Abstract (english) Educators try to recognize the individual children's needs so they adapt their works towards their needs and wishes. Such atmosphere in the kindergarten encourages children's creativity and ability, and the focus on them implies the development, upbringing of autonomy and freedom of each child. Curriculum integration is an essential feature that includes comprehensive upbringing and education aligned with the integrated way of natural learning of the child. Kindergarten educator does not have
... More the role of a direct teacher, but as an indirect leader who organizes the environment and materials for work in order to teach children independence and knowledge gaining. It is also very important for a child to independently figure it out whether his/hers actions are right or not, because otherwise, a child can develop as a human being who is dependent on the opinion of others. Educators should also build confidence in children and their abilities, and should also encourage their ideas and independence. The goal is to achieve that children independently initiate activities, come to the conclusion, and learn to take responsibility for their own actions. Depending on the way project activities are carried out, there are different conceptions of work, so I have described the features of Katz and Chard, Reggio, Cvetković Lay and Step-by-step conception of work by emphasizing their similiarities and basic differences. Children's activities can be followed through artworks, posters, models, photographs, videos and similar traces that stay behind from children's independent or group work, and that makes documentation. In one of the kindergarten in Zagreb, project activity and part of the documentation on the subject of 'Animals' were shown through photographs. Through monitoring activities and documentation, parents and educators get to know the child and child's interests better, and this develops a partnership relationship that is important for the high-quality work of the educational institution. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:327104
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-02-22 08:16:27