Abstract | Poticajno prostorno-materijalno okruženje nosi ulogu komunikatora jer djeci govori koju sliku o djetetu ima odgajatelj te o kvaliteti odgojno obrazovne prakse vrtića. Djetinjstvu se pristupa kao važnom životnom razdoblju, odnosno procesu socijalizacije koji se ostvaruje u odnosu s prostorom, vremenom i kulturom. U institucijskom kontekstu ranoga odgoja i razvoja djece prestaje se gledati kao na davanje usluge korisnicima, već se gleda na društvenu ustanovu koja ima kulturalnu i simboličku solidarnost. Ustanova pojačava odnose među djecom i djece s materijalima, a ističe odnos prostora, cjelokupnu mekoću, osmozu s vanjskim svijetom, multisenzorijalnost, poticanje društvenosti i zajedništva, konstruktivnost, narativnost i harmoničnost kao neizostavne kriterije organizacije poticajnog prostorno-materijalnog pedagoškog okruženja. Učenje djeteta karakterizira neumornost, ali i način koji je prirodan i znatiželjan te se provodi putem stalnih interakcija s vlastitim okruženjem. Shodno tome, odnosi djeteta i socijalne okoline u njegovoj obitelji te ustanovi odgoja i obrazovanja predstavljaju nepobitan uvjet kako bi dijete odraslo u odraslog čovjeka sa socijalnim vještinama. Fizičko okruženje djece predstavlja raspored, struktura, namjena i općenita organizacija prostora i opreme, materijala i igračaka koji su djeci na raspolaganju te ujedno predstavljaju i učestalost i kvalitetu socijalne interakcije te imaju utjecaj na ukupno okruženje u kojem se djeca nalaze. |
Abstract (english) | The stimulating spatial-material environment plays the role of a communicator because it tells the children what image the educator has of the child and about the quality of the educational practices of the kindergarten. Childhood is approached as an important life period, that is, a process of socialization that takes place in relation to space, time and culture. In the institutional context of early childhood education and development, it is no longer seen as providing services to users, but rather as a social institution that has cultural and symbolic solidarity. The institution strengthens relationships between children and also children with materials, and emphasizes the relationship of space, overall softness, osmosis with the outside world, multisensoriality, encouragement of sociability and togetherness, constructiveness, narrative and harmony as indispensable criteria for the organization of a stimulating spatial-material pedagogical environment. A child's learning is characterized by tirelessness, but also a way that is natural and curious and is carried out through constant interactions with their own environment. Accordingly, the relationship between the child and the social environment in their family and educational institution is an undeniable condition for the child to grow into an adult with social skills. The physical environment of children represents the arrangement, structure, purpose and general organization of space and equipment, materials and toys available to children, and at the same time they represent the frequency and quality of social interaction and have an impact on the overall environment which children are found in. |