Abstract | U ovom radu planiram se baviti antičkim poimanjem ljubavi kod starih Grka. Platonov koncept ljubavi i moderna definicija ljubavi se uvelike razlikuju. Pokušat ću dočarati svu ljepotu Platonove ideje ljubavi. Kao glavne izvore koristila sam Platonov „Simpozij ili o ljubavi“, te Podrugov „Platonov simpozij- Eros kao počelo filozofije“. Struktura rada je podijeljena na sedam poglavlja u kojima pokušavam iznijeti ideje ljubavi o kojima su govorili Platonovi govornici. Kroz ta poglavlja pokušavam shvatiti antičku misao, Platonov koncept ideja, dogmatsko razmišljanje, mitologiju i religijsko poimanje ljubavi te dati svoju kritiku i osvrt iz suvremene perspektive.
Objašnjavam Platonov i Sokratov značaj, oblik i strukturu Simpozija koja nije slučajna, već ima svoj početak, sredinu i završetak. Govornici su poredani tako da svaki sljedeći nadopunjuje prethodnog i dodaje novu perspektivu, a Sokratov govor je s razlogom u sredini. Dotičem se mitoloških elemenata u djelu kojima antički likovi opravdavaju svoje teorije i ideje. Izdvajam tri vrste ljubavi kao bazu Platonove misli o ljubavi te propitujem Platonov doprinos za napredak suvremenog društva, istinitost njegovog svijeta ideja i problematiku temeljnih postavki Platonove filozofije i dijalektike.
U današnje vrijeme ljubav je često trivijalizirana i banalizirana, a s druge strane doživljava se nedostižnom, lišena je duhovne dimenzije i promatra se kao sredstvo postizanja vlastitog zadovoljstva. Ovim radom želim osvjestiti čitatelju značaj ljubavi u ljudskoj kulturi i tradiciji, nužnost govora o ljubavi kao formi preispitivanja samoga sebe i postizanje osobne sreće. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, I plan to deal with the ancient concept of love among the ancient Greeks. Plato’s concept of love and the modern definition of love differ greatly. I will try to convey all the beauty of Plato’s idea of love. I used Plato’s “Symposium” and Podrug’s “ Plato’s Symposium, Eros as the beginning of Philosophy” as the main sources. The structure of the work is divided into seven chapters in which I try to present the ideas of love that Plato’s speakers spoke about. Through these chapters, I try to understand ancient thought, Plato’s concept of ideas, dogmatic thinking, mythology, the religious concept of love, and give my criticism and review from modern perspective.
I am explaining Plato’s and Socrates’ significance, form and structure of the Symposium, which is not accidental, but has its own beginning, middle and end. The speakers are arranged so that each one complements the previous one and adds a new perspective and Socrates’ speech is in the middle for a reason. I touch the mythological elements in the Symposium with which ancient characters justify their theories and ideas. I have singled out three types of love as the basis of Plato’s thought on love, and I question Plato’s contribution to the progress of modern society, the truth of his world of ideas, and the problematic of the fundamental assumptions of Plato’s philosophy.
Nowadays, love is often trivialized, and on the other hand, it is perceived as unattainable, devoid of a spiritual dimension and viewed as means of achieving one’s own satisfaction. With this work, I want to make the reader aware of the importance of love in human culture and tradition, the necessity of talking about love as a form of self-examination and achieving personal happiness. |