Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada su emocije i dječje likovno stvaralaštvo te se proučava i objašnjava povezanost ta dva pojma. Emocije su osobna stanja svakog pojedinca i izraziti se mogu na različite načine, a jedan od njih je i putem likovnog stvaralaštva. Detaljnije će se proći kroz podjelu emocija koje mogu biti pozitivne i negativne. Postoje različite teorije o emocijama i njihovom izražavanju kod djece. Osim toga, definiraju se i tri razvojne faze likovnog stvaralaštva kroz koje bi svako dijete trebalo proći. Važno je poticati djecu na razvijanje likovnog stvaralaštva i to bez ometanja od strane odraslih. Djeci treba ponuditi slobodu i raznovrsnost materijala kako bi njihova kreativnost sve više nastajala uz oslobađanje emocija koje prenose u likovno djelo. Na osnovi dječjeg crteža može se utvrditi sadrži li dijete realne odnose u svojoj svijesti o stvarnosti ili postoje neki ometajući elementi koji zamagljuju objektivnu sliku svijeta u dječjoj svijesti, a time i u dječjem likovnom izražavanju. Različitim likovnim temama djeca mogu prikazati probleme koji ih muče. U te svrhe može se koristiti i art-terapija o kojoj će se također govoriti u radu. Dakle, bilo da dijete osjeća tugu, radost, zadovoljstvo, nemir ili suosjećajnost, likovne aktivnosti im mogu pomoći pri izražavanju. Bitnu ulogu u interpretaciji dječjih crteža svakako imaju odgojitelji. Djeca provode mnogo vremena u vrtiću gdje su slobodni izražavati svoje emocije i doživljaje te tamo prolaze kroz različite faze razvoja koje odgojitelji moraju znati prepoznati i sukladno tome reagirati. Korištenje tehnika rada s emocijama izvrsna je dopuna i pomoć svakom profesionalnom odgojitelju i roditelju. Postoji mnoštvo kvalitetne literature i sredstava koja olakšavaju razumijevanje dječjih emocija i nude kvalitetne poticaje za rad s djecom. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this final paper is emotions and children's artistic expression, and the connection between these two concepts is studied and explained here. Emotions are personal states of each individual and can be expressed in different ways, and one of them is through art. The division of emotions, which can be positive and negative, will be discussed in more detail. There are different theories about emotions and their expression in children. In addition, three developmental stages of artistic creativity are defined, through which every child should go. It is important to encourage children to develop artistic expression without interference from adults. Children should be offered with freedom and a variety of materials, so that their creativity can emerge more and more, with the release of emotions that they transfer into a work of art. On the basis of a child's drawing, it can be determined whether the child contains realistic relationships in his awareness of reality or if there are some disturbing elements that blur the objective picture of the world in the child's consciousness, and also in the child's artistic expression. Children can show the problems that bother them with different art themes. Art-therapy, which will also be discussed in the paper, can be used for these purposes. So, whether a child feels sadness, joy, pleasure, restlessness or compassion, art activities can help them express it. Educators certainly play an important role in the interpretation of children's drawings. Children spend a lot of time in kindergarten where they are free to express their emotions and experiences, and there they go through different stages of development that educators must be able to recognize and react accordingly. The use of emotion work techniques is an excellent supplement and help for every professional educator and parent. There is a lot of quality literature and resources that facilitate the understanding of children's emotions and offer quality incentives for working with children. |