Abstract | Prekomjerna tjelesna težina i pretilost posljednjih su godina u neprekidnom porastu što postaje sve veći globalni zdravstveni problem modernog društva. U Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama pojam pretilosti naziva se i "kugom novog doba" koja osim odrasle populacije sve češće zahvaća i najmlađe-djecu predškolskog uzrasta. Osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća pretilost se počela masovno širiti diljem svijeta te je do danas poprimila epidemijske razmjere. Zbog nesrazmjera između povećanog unosa energije hranom te smanjene potrošnje tjelesnim aktivnostima dolazi do viška energije koja se pohranjuje u tijelu u obliku masti. Pretilost je multifaktorska bolest nastala najčešće zbog loših životnih navika vezanih uz prehranu i tjelesne aktivnosti. Zabrinjava podatak da je sve više djece s povećanom tjelesnom masom i da postotak pretile djece konstantno raste. Dijagnosticiranje visine i težine, a time i moguće pretilosti obavlja se redovitim mjerenjem visine i vaganjem te procjenom indeksa tjelesne mase. Dobiveni rezultat izračuna indeksa tjelesne mase uspoređuje se s preporučenim referentnim vrijednostima. Kod mjerenja djece treba imati na umu postojanje varijabli preporučenih vrijednosti za određenu dob i spol, obzirom da postoje manje razlike u rastu između dječaka i djevojčica. Djeca s prekomjernom tjelesnom masom, izazvanom lošim životnim navikama s vremenom razviju određena stanja u organizmu i uzročnik su : kardiovaskularnih bolesti, metaboličkih bolesti, promjena na lokomotornom sustavu te držanju tijela. Poremećaji u lokomotornom sustavu prvenstveno se odnose na postepeno spuštanje stopala, iskrivljavanje nogu u obliku slova "X" ili "O", kao i razne napravilnosti držanja kralježnice. Edukacija kao značajna sastavnica prevencije, prvenstveno se sastoji od informiranja i osvješćivanja roditelja, koji su modeli po kojem djeca preuzimanju životne navike.Velika je odgovornost na pedijatrima, zdravstvenim voditeljima dječjih vrtića te odgojiteljima zbog svakodnevnog neposrednog kontakta i utjecaja na dijete. Pomnim odabirom namirnica, što češćim boravkom na zraku baveći se različitim aktivnostima, smanjuje se rizik pojave pretilosti. Pojavi li se ipak, moguće ju je jednostavnije pobijediti. metabolički, utjecaj socijalno-kulturne sredine i okoliš. Liječenje pretilosti i njome izazvanih posljedica, izazovno je, kompleksno i često dugotrajno, stoga je najbolje prevenirati pojavu ili kad se već pojavi započeti što prije s liječenjem. Posljedice zanemarene i neliječenje pretilosti, posebice javi li se već u ranom djetinjstvu vidljive su u razvitku različitih stanja i bolesti koji utječu na kvalitetu i dužinu života. Ostali čimbenici koji su usko vezani za pojavu pretilosti su genetski čimbenici. |
Abstract (english) | Excessive body weight and obesity have been increasing continuously in recent years, becoming a growing global health problem of modern society. In the USA, obesity is also called the “modern-day plague”, which, in addition to the adult population, increasingly affects the youngest – preschool children. In the 1980s, obesity began to spread massively throughout the world and has reached epidemic proportions today. Due to the disparity between the increased intake of energy through food and the reduced consumption of energy through physical activities, there is an excess of energy that is stored in the body as fat. Obesity is a multifactorial disease most often caused by bad habits related to diet and physical activity. It is worrying that the number of children with increased body weight is increasing and the percentage of obese
children is constantly growing. Diagnosing height and weight, and thus potential obesity, is done through regular height measurement and weighing, as well as measuring the body mass index. The result of the body mass index measurement is compared with the recommended reference values. When measuring children, it is important to keep in mind that the recommended values include variables for a certain age and gender due to minor differences in growth between boys and girls. Children with excessive body weight, caused by bad habits, over time develop certain conditions in the body which cause: cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, changes in the locomotor system and body posture. The locomotor disorders are primarily related to the gradual flattening of the feet, the X-shaped and O-shaped leg deformities, as well as various spinal curvature deformities. Education, as a significant component of prevention, primarily consists of informing the parents and raising awareness in them, as they are the models from whom children adopt life habits. A great responsibility lies with pediatricians, kindergarten health managers and kindergarten teachers due to their everyday direct contact with and influence on the child. By carefully selecting foods, spending time outdoors as often as possible and engaging in different activities, the risk of obesity is reduced. Should obesity still occur, this makes it easier to overcome it. Other factors that are closely related to the occurrence of obesity are genetic factors, metabolic factors, the influence of the socio-cultural environment, and natural environment. Treatment of obesity and of the consequences caused by it is challenging, complex, and often long lasting, therefore it is best to prevent its occurrence, or once it has occurred, start with treatment as soon as possible. When obesity is neglected and left untreated, especially if it occurs already in early childhood, the consequences can be seen in the development of various conditions and diseases affecting life quality and expectancy. |