Title Stavovi roditelja/skrbnika vrtićke djece u vezi cijepljenja
Title (english) Attitudes towards vaccination among parents/guardians of preschool children
Author Ana Čović
Mentor Nada Vijtiuk (mentor)
Committee member Vatroslav Zovko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Atanasov-Piljek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nada Vijtiuk (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Family Pedagogy
Abstract Cijepljenje je jedna od najučinkovitijih preventivnih metoda u borbi protiv bolesti te jedna od najzaslužnijih mjera zahvaljujući kojoj su mnoge opasne bolesti iskorijenjene. Bit cijepljenja nije samo zaštita pojedinca, već i cijele zajednice kojoj on pripada, stoga obolijevanje člana zajednice nije ugrožavajuće samo za pojedinca nego i sve ostale koji sačinjavaju njegovu okolinu. Pandemija Covida 19 poljuljala je svijet na svim mogućim razinama te unijela duboke podjele u društvu. Godinu dana
... More svijetom je vladao strah i svi su iščekivali cjepivo kako bi se ovoj bolesti stalo na kraj, a kada je cjepivo pronađeno u ljude se uvlači sumnja i počinju se razvijati razne teorije zavjera koje još dodatno razdvajaju ionako već podijeljeno društvo.
Rad se sastoji od dva dijela, teorijskog i istraživačkog. Teorijski dio upoznaje čitatelja s temama bitnim za lakše razumijevanje istraživačkog dijela rada koji se bavi problemima proizašlima iz teorijskog dijela rada. U teorijskom dijelu navedena su i razjašnjena obvezna cjepiva, zakonske regulative u vezi cijepljenja djece, nastanak prvog cjepiva, začeci pokreta protiv cijepljenja te pandemija Covida 19 u Hrvatskoj i razvoj cjepiva protiv Covida 19. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada bio ispitati stavove roditelja/skrbnika vrtićke djece o cijepljenju te je li ova pandemija promijenila razmišljanja roditelja o cijepljenju djece i ako da, na koji način. Za potrebe istraživanja osmišljen je anketni upitnik putem kojeg su prikupljeni rezultati za kasniju analizu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da roditelji još uvijek većinski vjeruju obveznim cjepivima, ali s dozom opreza. U usporedbi s istraživanjem provedenim prije 3 godine vidljiv je gotovo dupli porast onih koji smatraju da cijepljenje djece ne bi trebalo biti obavezno. Pandemija i pokreti protiv cijepljenja ostavili su traga na razmišljanjima roditelja te su poljuljali njihove stavove. Less
Abstract (english) Vaccination is one of the most efficient preventive methods of fighting disease and is one of the biggest causes of many dangerous diseases being rooted out. The point of vaccination is not only the protection of the individual, but also the entire community, which is why a member of the community contracting such a disease poses a threat not only to the individual but also to everyone around them. The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken up the world in many ways and caused deep divisions in our
... More society. For a full year the world was in the grips of fear and people eagerly awaited a vaccine that would eradicate the disease, but when the vaccine was finished doubt started to crawl into people and all kinds of conspiracy theories started to take form further dividing the already divided society.
This paper consists of two sections, the theoretical and the research section. In the theoretical section the reader is introduced to the topics vital for the easier understanding of the research section of the paper which deals with the problems which arise from the topics discussed in the theoretical section. In the theoretical section the following is listed and explained: mandatory vaccinations, legislation regulating vaccination of children, the creation of the first vaccine, the beginnings of the anti-vaccination movement, the Covid-19 pandemic in Croatia and the development of the Covid-19 vaccine. The aim of this paper is to assess the attitudes that parents/guardians of preschool children have towards vaccination, as well as whether this pandemic changed their views on vaccination of children and, if yes, in which ways. This was done through a questionnaire designed for this research paper and the results were then analyzed. The results showed that the majority of parents trust the mandatory vaccinations, but still maintain a dose of caution. When compared to research carried out three years ago, the results show a double increase in the number of those who think that vaccination of children should not be mandatory. The pandemic and the anti-vaccination movements have left their marks on the parents’ minds and have shaken up their attitudes. Less
Covid 19
obvezna cjepiva
pokret protiv cijepljenja
Keywords (english)
mandatory vaccination
anti-vaccination movement
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:554130
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-02-27 08:23:41