Title Školski vrtovi u Međimurju
Title (english) School Gardens In Međimurje
Author Josipa Lukinić
Mentor Hrvoje Šlezak (mentor)
Committee member Goran Lapat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Darinka Kiš-Novak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Šlezak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Abstract Školski vrtovi u Hrvatskoj sežu još iz 11. stoljeća te se njihova uloga kroz povijest mijenjala. Najprije su imali ulogu obučiti učenike poljoprivrednim i vrtlarskim znanjima kako bi ista koristili kroz čitav život. Tek kasnije u 19. i 20. stoljeću, školski vrtovi počinju dobivati odgojno-obrazovnu ulogu u nastavi. Osim toga, tada počinje popularizacija školskih vrtova u Hrvatskoj jer su bili obvezni u školama, propisani zakonom te nastavnim planovima i programima. Ti zakoni vrijedili su i za Međimurje, gdje je osnivanje školskih vrtova bilo lakše i uspješnije nego li u drugim krajevima Hrvatske, zbog plodnog tla i dobro razvijene poljoprivrede. Tome svjedoči i podatak iz 1934. godine koji govori da su 28 od 33 škole u Međimurju imale školski vrt. Cilj ovog istraživanja, provedenog 2022. godine, bio je utvrditi koliko osnovnih škola u Međimurju ima školski vrt i/ili voćnjak. Osim toga istraživanjem se još trebalo utvrditi koliko dugo škole u Međimurju imaju školski vrt i/ili voćnjak, zatim utvrditi način organizacije rada i aktivnosti učenika u školskom vrtu, odnosno koliko često borave u školskom vrtu i/ili voćnjaku. Trebalo se utvrditi povezuju li učitelji nastavu sa školskim vrtom i/ili voćnjakom te koje nastavne predmete i sadržaje najčešće povezuju, zatim koliko škola koristi voće, povrće, bilje koje uzgajaju za prehranu učenika. Još jedan od zadataka je bio utvrditi postoji li povezanost učeničke zadruge i školskog vrta i/ili voćnjaka ako škola ima zadrugu, te postoji li povezanost lokalne zajednice, roditelja i škole u vidu potpore školskom vrtu. Na kraju je bilo potrebno zabilježiti koje biljne vrste se uzgajaju u školama. Instrument istraživanja je bio intervju polustrukturiranog tipa, a podaci su prikupljeni terenskim istraživanjem. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da čak 15 od 30 osnovnih škola u Međimurju ima aktivnosti kao što je školski vrt i/ili voćnjak. U većini škola rad u školskom vrtu je organiziran kroz izvannastavne aktivnosti, učenici najčešće jednom tjedno borave u školskom vrtu i/ili voćnjaku. Zatim u gotovo svim školama nastava se povezuje sa školskim vrtim i/ili voćnjakom, a predmet koji se najviše povezuje je priroda i društvo. Pokazalo se da većina škola koristi voće i povrće iz svojih vrtova i voćnjaka za prehranu učenika te da je školski vrt i/ili voćnjak kod većine škola najpogodniji oblik djelovanja učeničkih zadruga. Također, utvrđeno je da lokalne zajednice i roditelji u Međimurju rado podupiru rad školskih vrtova i/ili voćnjaka, a što se tiče uzgoja, u Međimurskim školama najviše se uzgaja cvijeće te ljekovito i začinsko bilje.
Abstract (english) School gardens in Croatia date back from the 11th century and their role has changed throughout history. First, they had the role of training students in agricultural and horticultural skills so that they could use them throughout their lives. It was not until later in the 19th and 20th centuries that school gardens began to gain an educational role in teaching. The popularization of school gardens in Croatia began at that time because they were compulsory in schools, prescribed by law. These laws were also valid for Međimurje, where the establishment of school gardens was easier and more successful than in other parts of Croatia, due to the fertile soil and well-developed agriculture. Evidence of this is visible by the data from 1934. which shows that 28 out of 33 schools in Međimurje had a school garden.The aim of this research, conducted in 2022, was to determine how many primary schools in Međimurje have a school garden and/or orchard. The research was to determine how long schools in Međimurje have a school garden and/or orchard, determine the organization of work and activities of students in the school garden It was necessary to determine whether teachers connect school subjects with the school garden and/or orchard and which subjects they most often connect, then what number of schools uses fruits, vegetables and herbs that they grow to use in school feeding. Another task was to determine whether there is a connection
between the student cooperative and the school garden and/or orchard if the school has a cooperative, and whether it is cooperation between the local community, parents and the school in the form of support for the school garden. In the end, it was necessary to note which plant species are grown in schools. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview, and data were collected through field research. The results of the research showed that 15 out of 30 primary schools in Međimurje have activities such as a school garden and/or orchard. In most schools, work in the school garden is organized through extracurricular activities, students usually come to the school garden and/or orchard once a week. Then, in almost all schools, teaching is connected with the school garden and/or orchard, and the subject that is most connected is nature and society. It turned out that most schools use fruits and vegetables from their gardens and orchards in school feeding, and that the school garden and/or orchard in most schools is the most suitable form of student cooperatives. Also, it was found that local communities and parents in Međimurje are happy to support the work of school gardens and/or
orchards, flowers, herbs and medicinal herbs are mostly grown in schools of Međimurje.
školski vrt
školski voćnjak
predmet priroda i društvo
Keywords (english)
school garden
school orchard
subject nature and society
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:046491
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-05-02 10:14:25