Abstract | Inkluzija je dugotrajan i kompleksan proces koji potiče razvoj društva u kojem se prihvaćaju i uvažavaju različitosti svake osobe. Odnos prema djeci s teškoćama mijenjao se kroz povijest. Djeca s teškoćama bila su odbačena, segregirana od ostale djece čime su se kršila temeljna ljudska prava i sloboda. Pojavom socijalnog modela društva i nacionalnih dokumenata koji osiguravaju temeljna ljudska prava, popravlja se sveobuhvatna slika odnosa prema osobama s invaliditetom u društvu, samim time i njihovom položaju unutar odgojno-obrazovnog sustava.Zemlje Europe, među kojima su i Hrvatska i Slovenija, krajem 20. st. počinju aktivno promišljati o implementiranju inkluzivnog obrazovanja u odgojno-obrazovni sustav na svim razinama osiguravajući djeci i učenicima s teškoćama jednake mogućnosti za sudjelovanje u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu u skladu s njihovim mogućnostima. U ovom radu prikazana jeobrazovna inkluzija Hrvatske i Slovenije te je analizirana potpora učenicima s teškoćama unutar ta dva sustava obrazovanja. Nacionalni okvirni kurikuli predstavljaju temelj za izradu individualiziranog kurikula učenicima s teškoćama te pridonose mogućnosti praćenja posebnih, prilagođenih i redovitih programa, ali i drugih oblika podrške unutar odgojno-obrazovnih sustava. Za planiranje kurikula za rad s djecom s teškoćama nužna je i edukacija i suradnja nositelja odgojno-obrazovnog procesa i roditelja. U Sloveniji je utemeljena potpora u obliku mobilnih stručnih timova čija je podrška usmjerena upravo prema nositeljima odgojnoobrazovnog procesa koji su u neposrednom dodiru s učenicima. Uvođenje pedagoškog asistenta ili pomoćnika u nastavi učenicima s teškoćama postala je uobičajena praksa u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu. Ukoliko podrška učeniku nije dostatna u školi koju polazi, on u Sloveniji može polaziti tzv. specijalnu školu ili stručnu ustanovu koja je prostorno i kadrovski specijalizirana za pojedinu vrstu teškoća, a što je organizacijski podjednako Hrvatskim centrima za odgoj i obrazovanje koji su nadležnim zakonom okarakterizirani kao ustanove koje provode posebne kurikulume. Kako bi obrazovanje bilo omogućeno svim učenicima s teškoćama, u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj je osiguran prijevoz za učenike s teškoćama bez obzira na udaljenost škole u koju se učenik s teškoćom upiše. Razlika je što u Sloveniji trošak snosi pripadajuća općina odnosno mjesto gdje učenik prebiva, a u Hrvatskoj općine i gradovi u tome ne sudjeluju. Hrvatska i Slovenija države su u kojima se zagovara inkluzivno obrazovanje, ali ono ima prostora za unapređivanje. Prema statističkim podacima vidljiv je godišnji porast broja učenika s teškoćama uključenih u ustanove koje provode redovite ili posebne kurikulume. |
Abstract (english) | Inclusion is a long-term and complex process that encourages the development of a society in which the differences of each person are accepted and respected. The attitude towards children with disabilities has changed throughout history. Children with disabilities were rejected, segregated from other children, which violated fundamental human rights and freedom. With
the emergence of the social model of society and national documents that ensure fundamental human rights, the comprehensive picture of the relationship towards people with disabilities in society, and thus their position within the educational system, is improved. At the end of the 20th century, European countries, including Croatia and Slovenia, began to actively think about implementing inclusive education in the educational system at all levels, ensuring equal opportunities for children and students with disabilities to participate in the educational process in accordance with their possibilities. This paper presents the educational inclusion of Croatia and Slovenia and analyzes the support for students with disabilities within these two education systems. The national framework curricula represent the basis for creating an individualized curriculum for students with disabilities and contribute to the possibility of following special, adapted and regular programs, as well as other forms of support within the educational system. To plan a curriculum for working with children with disabilities, the education and cooperation of the educational process and parents is necessary. In Slovenia, support has been established in the form of mobile expert teams, whose support is directed precisely at those responsible for the educational process. The introduction of a pedagogical assistant for students with disabilities has become a common practice in the Croatian education system. If the support for the student is not sufficient in the school he attends, he can attend the special school or professional institution that is spatially and staff-specialized for a particular type of difficulty, and which is organizationally the same as Croatian education centers, which are characterized by the relevant law as institutions that implement special curricula. In order to make education possible for all students with disabilities, transportation for students with disabilities is provided in Slovenia and Croatia, regardless of the distance from the school where the student with disabilities enrolls. The difference is that in Slovenia the cost is borne by the municipality or the place where the student lives, while in Croatia do not participate. Croatia and Slovenia are countries where inclusive education is advocated, but it has room for improvement. |