Title Uloga kvalitete suradnje i samoučinkovitosti u objašnjenju poslovnoga i životnoga zadovoljstva učitelja matematike
Title (english) The role of the quality of cooperation and self-efficacy in explaining job and life satisfaction of mathematics teachers
Author Ružica Soldo
Mentor Nevenka Maras (mentor)
Mentor Majda Rijavec (komentor)
Committee member Marina Đuranović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Klasnić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daria Tot (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-04-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 37 - Education
Abstract Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost kvalitete suradnje, samoučinkovitosti te zadovoljstva poslom i životom kod učitelja matematike u osnovnoj školi. Očekivalo se da su sve dimenzije kvalitete učiteljske suradnje i samoučinkovitost pozitivno povezani sazadovoljstvom životom i poslom učitelja, te da je samoučinkovitost posredujuća varijabla u odnosu između kvalitete suradnje i životnog i poslovnog zadovoljstva.U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 500 učitelja (11%) i učiteljica (89%) matematike
... More osnovnih škola na području Republike Hrvatske. Korišteni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Ljestvica za ispitivanje kvalitete školske suradnje (Gerecht i sur., 2007), Skraćena verzija ljestvice zadovoljstva poslom (Hackman i Oldham,1974), Ljestvica zadovoljstva životom (Diener i sur., 1985) i Ljestvica samoučinkovitosti nastavnika (Horvat, 2019).Rezultati su pokazali kako učitelji s dužim radnim stažem u školi suradnju u razmjeni nastavnih iskustava procjenjuju manje učestalom, komunikaciju u kolektivu procjenjuju manje kvalitetnom a zadovoljniji su iznosom i pravednošću plaće na poslu te mogućnošću za osobni rast i razvoj u odnosu na učitelje matematike s kraćim radnim stažem u školi. Nadalje, učitelji matematike koji su završili PMF suradnju u ocjenjivanju učenika procjenjuju manje učestalom a vlastitu samoučinkovitost procjenjuju većom, za razliku od učitelja matematike koji su završili Učiteljski fakultet, koji suradnju u ocjenjivanju učenika procjenjuju učestalijom a vlastitu samoučinkovitost procjenjuju manjom. Između učitelja matematike različitog inicijalnog obrazovanja nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u razini poslovnog i životnog zadovoljstva. Rezultati su potvrdili da je kvaliteta učiteljske suradnje statistički značajno pozitivno povezana s razinom samoučinkovitosti, te razinom poslovnog i životnog zadovoljstva. Kvaliteta komunikacije u kolektivu i razina samoučinkovitosti pozitivni su prediktori životnog zadovoljstva a učestalost suradnje na kurikulumu, kvaliteta komunikacije u kolektivu te kvaliteta nastavne suradnje, pozitivni prediktori razine zadovoljstva iznosom i pravednošću plaće na poslu. Učestalost suradnje u razmjeni nastavnih iskustava i razina samoučinkovitosti pokazali su se kao negativni prediktori zadovoljstva iznosom i pravednošću plaće na poslu. Nadalje, dokazano je da samoučinkovitost posreduje u odnosu između kvalitete suradnje i zadovoljstva životom, ali ne i zadovoljstva poslom, osim kad je u pitanju mogućnost za osobni rast i razvoj kao jednog aspekta zadovoljstva poslom. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pridonose boljem shvaćanju odnosa između kvalitete učiteljske suradnje, samoučinkovitosti i zadovoljstva poslom i životom učitelja matematike, što pomaže unaprjeđenju kvalitete nastave matematike te daje važne implikacije kreatorima obrazovne politike i znanstvenim ustanovama kako unaprijediti kvalitetu odgojno-obrazovnoga sustava. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of the research was to examine the correlation between the quality of cooperation, self-efficacy and satisfaction with work and life among mathematics teachers in elementary school. It was expected that all dimensions of the quality of teacher cooperation and self-efficacy are positively related to life and work satisfaction of teachers, and that self-efficacy is a mediating variable in the correlation between the quality of cooperation, and life and work satisfaction.In the research
... More participated 500 male (11%) and female teachers (89%) of elementary school mathematics in the Republic of Croatia. The following measuring instruments were used: the Scale for Examining the Quality of School Cooperation (Gerecht et al., 2007), the Short Version of the Job Satisfaction Scale (Hackman and Oldham, 1974), the Life Satisfaction Scale (Diener et al., 1985) and the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale (Horvat, 2019). The results showed that teachers with longer working experience in the school consider cooperation in the exchange of teaching experiences to be less frequent and communication in the team to be of lower quality. They are more satisfied with the amount and fairness of the salary at work, and the opportunity for personal growth and development compared to mathematics teachers with shorter working experience in the school. Furthermore, mathematics teachers who have graduated from the Faculty of Science assess cooperation in student assessment as less frequent and their own self-efficacy as higher, in contrast to mathematics teachers who have graduated from the Faculty of Education, who assess cooperation in student assessment as more frequent and their own self-efficacy as lower. There was no statistically significant difference in the level of work and life satisfaction between mathematics teachers of different initial education. The results confirmed that the quality of teacher cooperation is in a statistically significant way positively related to the level of self-efficacy, and the level of business and life satisfaction. The quality of communication in the collective and the level of self-efficacy are positive predictors of life satisfaction. The frequency of cooperation on the curriculum, the quality of communication in the collective, and the quality of teaching cooperation are positive predictors of the level of satisfaction with the amount and fairness of the salary at work. The frequency of cooperation in the exchange of teaching experiences and the level of self-efficacy proved to be negative predictors of satisfaction with the amount and fairness of salary at work. Furthermore, it has been proven that self-efficacy mediates the correlation between the quality of cooperation and life satisfaction, but not job satisfaction, except when it comes to the possibility for personal growth and development as one aspect of job satisfaction. The results of this research contribute to a better understanding of the correlation between the quality of teacher cooperation, self-efficacy and satisfaction with the work and life of mathematics teachers, which helps improve the quality of mathematics teaching and gives important implications to educational policymakers and scientific institutions on how to improve the quality of the educational system. Less
kvaliteta školske suradnje
učitelji matematike
zadovoljstvo poslom
zadovoljstvo životom
Keywords (english)
the quality of school cooperation
mathematics teachers
job satisfaction
life satisfaction
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:195553
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Life Long Learning and Educational Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarno područje znanosti, znanstveno polje obrazovnih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarno područje znanosti, znanstveno polje obrazovnih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 168 str.; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2023-05-11 07:45:38