Title Analiza dječjeg crteža
Title (english) Analysis of children's drawing
Author Petra Frljak
Mentor Marijana Županić Benić (mentor)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Balić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract Likovni potencijal djeteta je urođena sposobnost koju dijete s vremenom može razvijati. Dječji crtež može se smatrati dobrim pokazateljem intelektualnog, motoričkog i emotivnog stanja djeteta. Kod dječjeg likovnog stvaralaštva često se ističe kreativnost. Postoje određeni čimbenici koji utječu na razvoj, ali i ometanje kreativnosti. Važno je da okolina u kojoj dijete boravi bude poticajna kako bi dijete do maksimuma razvilo svoje kreativne mogućnosti. Likovni izraz djeteta razvija se kroz četiri faze. Svaka od tih faza nastavlja se jedna na drugu i povezane su s kronološkom dobi djeteta. Prva faza se naziva faza izražavanja primarnim simbolima ili faza šaranja. U ovoj fazi dječji rad se temelji na šarama, prema čemu je ova faza dobila naziv. Druga je faza izražavanja složenim simbolima. U toj fazi djeca koriste složene simbole, a najveća promjena koja se ovdje događa je prikaz ljudskog lika. Faza intelektualnog realizma smatra se zlatnim dobom dječjeg stvaralaštva jer se u toj fazi pojavljuju različite osobine dječjeg stvaralaštva. Posljednja faza naziva se faza vizualnog realizma i u toj fazi dječji crtež sliči crtežu odraslih. Kroz dječji crtež može se promatrati kako se razvija prikaz ljudske figure po fazama. Dječji crtež može služiti kao komunikacijski posrednik između djeteta i okoline. Iz dječjeg crteža mogu se iščitati skrivene emocije. Važno je da se prate oblici, boje, linije kako bi se shvatila poruka koju nam dijete poručuje preko vlastitog crteža. Postoje razne crtačke tehnike koje dijete koristi kako bi prenijelo tu poruku. Dijete u svom crtežu ponekad koristi šablone, a njihova upotreba je vrlo štetna jer predstavlja gotovi predložak koji dijete oslobađa od vlastitog razmišljanja. Važna je uloga učitelja koji primjerenim sadržajima i metodama mora omogućiti razvoj izražajnih mogućnosti djeteta. Kroz analizu dječjih crteža učenika prvih i četvrtih razreda može se zaključiti da su neki učenici u fazi likovnog izražavanja u kojoj bi morali biti, odnosno u fazi intelektualnog realizma, dok neki učenici zaostaju u odnosu na tu fazu ili su već prešli u sljedeću fazu likovnog izražavanja.
Abstract (english) A child's artistic potential is an innate ability that the child can develop over time. A child's drawing can be considered a good indicator of a child's intellectual, motor and emotional state. Creativity often stands out in children's art. There are certain factors that influence the development, but also hinder creativity. It is important that the environment in which the child lives is stimulating in order for the child to develop his creative abilities to the maximum. A child's artistic expression develops through four stages. Each of these stages continues one after the other and is related to the child's chronological age. The first phase is called the phase of expression with primary symbols or the phase of patterning. In this phase, children's work is based on patterns, which is why this phase got its name. The second stage is expression with complex symbols. At this stage, children use complex symbols, and the biggest change that occurs here is the representation of the human figure. The phase of intellectual realism is considered the golden age of children's creativity, because in this phase different characteristics of children's creativity appear. The last stage is called the stage of visual realism, and in this stage children's drawings resemble adult drawings. Through a child's drawing, one can observe how the representation of the human figure develops in stages. A child's drawing can serve as a communication mediator between the child and the environment. Hidden emotions can be read from children's drawings. It is important to follow the shapes, colors, lines in order to understand the message that the child is telling us through his own drawing. There are various drawing techniques that the child uses to convey this message. The child sometimes uses stencils in his drawing, but their use is very harmful because it represents a ready-made proposal that frees the child from his own thinking. The role of the teacher is important, as he must enable the development of the child's expressive abilities with appropriate content and methods. Through the analysis of children's drawings of students in the first and fourth grades, it can be concluded that some students are in the phase of artistic expression in which they should be, that is, in the phase of intellectual realism, while some students lag behind in relation to that stage or have already moved to the next phase of artistic expression.
dječji crtež
faze razvoja likovnog izraza
likovno izražavanje
Keywords (english)
children's drawing
stages of development of artistic expression
artistic expression
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:144730
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-07-17 09:20:14