Abstract | Ovaj rad prikazuje detaljniji prikaz faza razvoja dječjeg crteža. Već u svojoj najranijoj dobi dijete dolazi u dodir s crtanjem. Započinje sa šaranjem, što mu stvara osjećaj ugode povlačenjem različitih linija. U fazi šaranje djeca razvija svoju motoričku i vizualnu koordinaciju. U sljedećoj fazi, fazi izražavanja složenim simbolima vidi se znatni napredak. Dijete počinje detaljnije crtati, koristi se složenijim simbolima te se posebice vidi napredak u crtanju čovjeka. Čovjek se ne prikazuje kao glava-noge već se pojavljuje i tijelo. U ovoj fazi dijete uključuje misaone operacije koje vode ruku u izražavanju ideje. Sljedeća faza razvoja dječjeg crteža je faza intelektualnog realizma. U ovoj fazi dijete postaje hrabrije u svojemu naumu što ga dovodi do zanimljivih likovnih ostvaraja. Obilježja ove faze su transparentnost, prikaz akcije u fazama kretanja, emotivna proporcija, poliperspektiva,
prevaljivanje i rasklapanje oblika, obrnuta te vertikalna perspektiva. Posljednja faza je faza vizualnog realizma. Tijekom ove faze likovni izraz djeteta počinje sličiti izrazu odraslih. Neka od obilježja ove faze su koloristička, atmosferska i geometrijska perspektiva. Ovaj rad osim što donosi detaljni prikaz faza dječjeg crteža, pruža i analizu dječjih radova. Tijekom analize radova nastojalo se uočiti kojoj fazi dječjeg crteža učenici pripadaju te koja su obilježja ostvarenih crteža. Postavljeni zadatak
učenicima odnosio se na crtanje svoje obitelji za objedom/stolom olovkom prema sjećanju. Cilj istraživanja bio je uočiti razlike u likovnom izražavanju učenika prvog i trećeg razreda crtajući olovkom isti motiv (obitelj za stolom). Zadaci istraživanja bili su uočiti s obzirom na fazu dječjeg likovnog izražavanja kakav je likovni izraz djece u prvom razredu, uočiti s obzirom na fazu dječjeg
likovnog izražavanja kakav je likovni izraz djece u trećem razredu, usporediti likovne radove djece prvog i trećeg razreda i uočiti razlike u likovnom izražavanju s obzirom na dob djece. |
Abstract (english) | This paper presents a more detailed account of the stages of development of children's drawing. Already at an early age, children come into contact with drawing. They start with doodling, which give they a sense of comfort by drawing different lines. In the drawing phase, children develop their motor and visual coordination. In the next phase, the phase of expression with complex symbols, considerable progress can be seen. The child begins to draw in more detail, uses more complex
symbols, and particularly shows progress in drawing a person. Man is not shown as a head-legs, but also a body. At this stage, the child includes thought operations that guide the hand in expressing an idea. The next stage of development of children's drawing is the stage of intellectual realism. In this phase, the child becomes bolder in his ideas, which leads him to interesting art creations. The characteristics of this phase are transparency, representation of action in phases of movement, emotional proportion, polyperspective, folding and unfolding of forms, inverted and vertical perspective. The last stage is the stage of visual realism. During this stage, the artistic expression of the child begins to resemble the expression of adults. Some of the characteristics of this phase are coloristic, atmospheric and geometric perspective. In addition to providing a detailed description of the stages of children's drawing, this work also provides an analysis of children's works. During the analysis of the works, we tried to see which phase of children's drawing the students belong to and what are the characteristics of the completed drawings. The task set for the students was to draw their family at the meal/table with a pencil from memory. The goal of the research was to observe the differences in the artistic expression of first and third grade students by drawing the same motif with a pencil (family at the table). The tasks of the research were to observe with regard to the stage of children's artistic expression, what is the artistic expression of children in the first grade, to observe
with regard to the stage of children's artistic expression of artistic expression, what is the artistic expression of children in the third grade, to compare the artistic works of children in the first and third grade and to notice the differences in artistic expression with regard to the age of the children. |