Title Govor i govorna baština vrbovečkog kraja kao projekt u razrednoj nastavi
Title (english) Speech and speech heritage of the Vrbovec area as a project in primary education
Author Matea Birko
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-06-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract Područje vrbovečkog kraja obilježeno je specifičnim mjesnim govorima koji se i dan- danas dobro čuvaju u svakodnevnom govoru njegovih žitelja. Tradicija i običaji još uvijek nisu u potpunosti izgubljeni. Kako bi se učenicima prikazala važnost i vrijednost navedenoga, osmišljen je i proveden u razrednoj nastavi projekt „Govorna baština vrbovečkog kraja“. Sadržaji propisani ishodima predmetnih kurikuluma bili su prošireni i međusobno povezani, upravo na način kako i pretpostavlja praksa integriranog poučavanja. Projekt se provodio kroz nastavne predmete Hrvatskog jezika, Likovne kulture, Glazbene kulture te Prirode i društva. Cilj je bio osvijestiti učenike o razlici između standardnog hrvatskog jezika i kajkavskog narječja te o razlikama između samih kajkavskih govora i govora pojedinih mjesta na području Vrbovca. Također se željelo ispitati u kojoj je mjeri učenicima važno očuvanje govorne baštine zavičaja te bi li htjeli u školi više učiti o govoru i govornoj baštini njihova kraja.
U teorijskom dijelu ovoga rada najprije se predstavlja regionalna raslojenost hrvatskoga jezika na narječja, dijalekte i mjesne govore. Potom se opisuje vrbovečki kraj, govor i pripadna mu govorna baština. Na kraju se prikazuje i sam projekt. Provedba projekta bila je podijeljena na 4 dana, s 4 različite teme: dječje igre vrbovečkog kraja, djeca u običajima vrbovečkog kraja, vrbovečke priče i pripovijetke te pisanje zajedničke pjesme kajkavskim vrbovečkim dijalektom.
Ovim projektom učenici su ostvarili sve očekivane ishode, osvijestili su važnost govora i govorne baštine Vrbovca te su uočili razliku između standardnog hrvatskog jezika i mjesnih govora. Pokazalo se da je učenicima izuzetno važna govorna baština zavičaja te bi o njoj htjeli više učiti u školi. Kao jedan od rezultata projekta nastala je i zajednička učenička pjesma o važnosti i očuvanju kajkavskoga dijalektnoga govora i samoga vrbovečkog kraja, nazvana „Kaj je naš zavičaj“.
Abstract (english) The area of Vrbovec is marked by specific local speeches that are still well preserved in the daily speech of its inhabitants. Tradition and customs are still not completely lost. In order to show students the importance and value of the above, the project „Speech Heritage of Vrbovec“ was designed and implemented in class teaching. The contents prescribed by the outcomes of the curricula in question were expanded and interconnected, precisely in the way that the practice of integrated teaching presupposes. The project was implemented through teaching subjects of the Croatian language, Fine Culture, Music Culture and Nature and Society. The aim was to make the students aware of the difference between the standard Croatian language and the kajkavian dialect, as well as the differences between the kajkavian speeches themselves and the speeches of individual places in the Vrbovac area. It was also desired to examine the extent to which students are important to preserve the spoken heritage of the homeland and whether they would like to learn more about the speech and speech heritage of their region in school.
In the theoretical part of this work, the regional stratification of the Croatian language into dialects, dialects and local speeches is first presented. Then it describes Vrbovec, the speech and its speaking heritage. Finally, the project itself is displayed. The implementation of the project was divided into 4 days, with 4 different themes: children's games of Vrbovec, children in the customs of Vrbovec, Vrbovec short and long stories, and writing a joint poem in the Vrbovec's Kajkavian dialect.
With this project, students achieved all the expected outcomes, became aware of the importance of Vrbovec's speech and speech heritage, and noticed the difference between standard Croatian language and local speeches. It turned out that students have found out how extremely important spoken heritage of homeland is and that they would like to learn more about it in school. As one of the results of the project, a joint student song was created about the importance and preservation of the Kajkavian dialect speech and Vrbovec itself, called „Kaj is our homeland“.
govorna baština
razredna nastava
vrbovečki kraj
Keywords (english)
linguistic heritage
primary education
Vrbovec region
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:814036
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-17 09:55:30