Title Estetska vrijednost slikovnice
Title (english) Aesthetic Value of Picture Books
Author Laura Krakić
Mentor Marijana Županić Benić (mentor)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Balić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Abstract Slikovnica je prva knjiga s kojom dijete dolazi u dodir i vrlo je važna za njegov daljnji razvoj. U slikovnicama dijete upoznaje stvarni svijet. Ona omogućuje djetetu razvijanje mašte, buđenje emocija i stvaranje vlastitih ideja koje su podloga za izgradnju djetetovog karaktera. Također potiče estetsko-umjetnički aspekt njegova razvoja. Za kvalitetnu i dobro osmišljenu slikovnicu važni su dobra ilustracija i tekst. Dobra ilustracija i tekst mogu privući i zadržati pozornost djeteta da nastavi čitati i razmišljati o pročitanom. Cijela slikovnica mora djelovati kao skladna cjelina i dijete ju mora razumjeti kao djelo u kojem su likovna i tekstualna komponenta jednako vrijedne. U teorijskom dijelu ovog diplomskoga rada objašnjeno je što je slikovnica, uloga slikovnice, funkcija slikovnice i važnost čitanja slikovnice. Zatim, objašnjena je i podjela slikovnica, razlika između ilustrirane knjige i slikovnice, važnosti ilustracije i odnos teksta i slike unutar nje. Govori se i o povijesti slikovnice u Hrvatskoj i svijetu te o istaknutim hrvatskim ilustratorima.
Drugi je dio diplomskog rada praktični dio koji uključuje cilj rada, postupak izrade slikovnice, izrada storyboarda te konačnu verziju vlastite slikovnice koja se zove Aspen na planetu Kai. Prije izrade storyboarda, osmislila sam naslov za koji sam htjela da bude neobičan i zanimljiv djetetu. Slikovnica je poučna karaktera i njome čitatelji osvješćuju važnost pranja zubiju, ali na zabavan način uz dodatak nadrealnih stvari koje će zainteresirati dijete. Namijenjena je djeci od 5 do 7 godina. Time je tekst zahtjevniji za čitanje. Djeca te dobi imaju širu spoznaju o svijetu pa neke ilustracije omogućuju dublja promišljanja i uključivanje djetetove mašte. Likovna tehnika koja je primijenjena za oblikovanje slikovnice akvarelne su bojice. Ilustracije su kasnije obrađene u programu Bojanje 3D, kao i tekst. Tekst je pisan umjetnički uz rimu kako bi ga djeca lakše pamtila.
Abstract (english) A picture book is the first book a child comes into contact with and it is very important for their further development. The child gets to know the real world through picture books. They enable the development of the child's imagination, awaken emotions and the creation of their own ideas, which form the basis for building the child's character. It also encourages the aesthetic-artistic aspect of their development. Ilustrations and text of high quality are both of importance for a well-deigned picutre book. Good illustrations and text can attract and retain the child's attention to continue reading and thinking about what they read. The entire picture book must act as a harmoniuos whole and the child must understand it as a work in which the visual and textual components are of equal value. The theoretical part of this thesis addresses what a picture book is, the role of a picture book, the function of the picture book and the importance of reading a picture book. It further addresses, the categorization of picture books, the differences between illustrated books and picture books, the importance of illustrations and the realtionship between the text and the illustrations in a picture book. Additionally, the history of the picture book in Croatia and the world is addressed as well as looking into prominent Croatian illustrators.
The second part of the thesis is the practical part that includes the goal of the work, the process of creation of a picture book, the creation of a storyboard, and the final version my own picture book entitled Aspen on the planet Kai. Before the creation of the storyboard, I came up with a title which I wanted to be unusual and interesting to a child. The picture book is of an instructive nature and reinforces the reader's awareness of the importance of brushing teeth, but in a funway with the addition of surreal elements that will spark the child's interest. It is intended for children aged 5 to 7 years of age. This makes the text more demanding to read. Children of that age have a broader understaning of the world, so some illustrations enable deeper reflections and the inclusion of the child's imagination. The art technique used to design the picture book is watercolor pencils. Both the illustrations and the text were subsequenlty processed in the program Bojanje 3D. The text is written artistically using rhyme so that children can remember it more easily.
kvalitetna slikovnica
izrada slikovnice
Keywords (english)
picture book
quality picture book
making a picture book
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:536402
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-07-17 09:59:25