Title Govor i govorna baština pregradskoga kraja kao projekt u razrednoj nastavi
Title (english) Speech and speech heritage of the Pregrada area as a project in elementary education
Author Lucija Hohnjec
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-06-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract Rad na samom početku objašnjava važnost jezika i jezičnog izražavanja u razrednoj nastavi, s posebnim osvrtom na regionalnu i funkcionalnu raslojenost hrvatskoga jezika. Potom se donosi uvid u to kako hrvatski nacionalni kurikulum otvara mjesto dijalektu. U drugom dijelu rada predstavlja se govor pregradskoga kraja i njegove osnovne značajke. Objašnjavaju se fenomeni dijalekta i narječja, razgovornog jezika i standardnoga jezika, kao i njihove uloge u komunikaciji. U radu su prikazane osnovne karakteristike kajkavskog narječja i govora pregradskoga kraja. Mijo Lončarić objedinio je najvažnije karakteristike kajkavskog narječja, njegove specifičnosti, leksik i razvoj kroz povijest što je prikazano u radu. Spominje se podloženost kajkavskog narječja promjenama i približavanje standardnom jeziku i štokavskom narječju, zbog društvenih promjena i utjecaja standardnog hrvatskog jezika, ponajviše putem školskoga odgoja i obrazovanja te putem medija. Također, spominje se i nerijetka pojava potiskivanje kajkavskog govora od strane samih govornika kajkavaca te se donose mogući razlozi za to, ali i potreba jačanja svijesti o jednakovrijednosti svakoga jezičnoga idioma. Na kraju se donosi prikaz projekta s temom pregradskoga govora i govorne baštine. Cilj rada, ali i projekta provedenog u razrednoj nastavi, jest očuvanja govora i govorne baštine pregradskoga kraja. Cilj provođenja projekta bio je upoznati učenike s ljepotama govornoga blaga koje posjeduje pregradski kraj, potaknuti kod učenika brigu za očuvanjem izvornoga govora, ali i za očuvanjem običaja na kajkavskom narječju. Učenici su kroz razne aktivnosti u projektnoj nastavi istraživali kajkavsko narječje, upoznali govor pregradskoga kraja pomoću izvornoga govornika u filmu, igrali tradicionalne kajkavske igre i, kao završni rezultat projekta, napravili Mali kajkavski rječnik pregradskoga kraja te snimali scene iz života Zagoraca. Na kraju projekta provedena je anketa koja pokazuje kako su učenici izuzetno zadovoljni upoznavanjem govorne baštine i kako bi željeli više nastavnih sadržaja povezanih s govornom baštinom što ostavlja temelj za poticanje istraživanja hrvatskih narječja ili dijalekata u razrednoj nastavi. Iako znani sve manjem broju ljudi, govor pregradskoga kraja i drugi kajkavski govori vrijedni su istraživanja i čuvanja.
Abstract (english) Work at the very beginning explains the importance of language and linguistic expression in elementary education with a special focus on the regional and functional stratification of the Croatian language. It then provides an insight into how the Croatian national curriculum recognizes the place of dialect. The second part of the work presents the speech of the Pregrada region and its basic features. It explains the phenomena of dialects and vernaculars, spoken language, and standard language, as well as their roles in communication. The work showcases the basic characteristics of the Kajkavian dialect and the speech of the Pregrada region. Mijo Lončarić has combined the most important characteristics of the Kajkavian dialect, its specificities, vocabulary, and historical development, which are presented in the work. The susceptibility of the Kajkavian dialect to changes and its convergence with the standard language and the Štokavian dialect are mentioned, due to social changes and the influence of the standard Croatian language, primarily through education in schools and the media. The work also mentions the not uncommon occurrence of suppression of Kajkavian speech by Kajkavian speakers themselves, and provides possible reasons for it, as well as the need to strengthen awareness of the equal value of every linguistic idiom. In the end, a project on the topic of the speech and linguistic heritage of the Pregrada region is presented. The aim of the work, as well as the project conducted in classroom teaching, is to preserve the speech and linguistic heritage of the Pregrada region. The goal of the project was to familiarize students with the beauty of the linguistic treasure possessed by the Pregrada region, to encourage students to care for the preservation of the authentic speech and customs in the Kajkavian dialect. Through various activities in project-based teaching, students explored the Kajkavian dialect, got to know the speech of the Pregrada region through native speakers in a film, played traditional Kajkavian games, and as the final result of the project, created a Small Kajkavian Dictionary of the Pregrada region and filmed scenes from the lives of people from Zagorje. At the end of the project, a survey was conducted, which shows that students are extremely satisfied with getting to know the linguistic heritage and that they would like more educational content related to the linguistic heritage, laying the foundation for promoting the exploration of Croatian dialects in classroom teaching. Although known to fewer and fewer people the speech of the Pregrada region and other Kajkavian dialects are worthy of research and preservation.
govor pregradskoga kraja
jezično izražavanje
kajkavsko narječje
narječje ili dijalekt
projektna nastava
Keywords (english)
dialect or vernacular
Kajkavian dialect
linguistic expression
project-based teaching
speech of the Pregrada area
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:940539
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-17 10:20:38