Abstract | Najvažnija karakteristika obitelji je toplina emocionalnih odnosa roditelja i djece. Emocionalno ozračje obitelji snažno utječe na djetetov razvoj, na djetetov doživljaj odnosa među ljudima. Kvaliteta odnosa roditelja i djece ovisi o njihovim osobinama. Djeca su različita. Važno je djeci iskazati ljubav i prihvatiti ih onakvima kakvi jesu. Djeca teško podnose nedostatak roditeljske ljubavi. Često roditelji čine sve kako bi ugodili djeci, ali ih udaljuju od sebe, djecu čuva rodbina, dadilja. U takvoj situaciji dijete se ne osjeća voljeno, smatra se neposlušnim, neuspješnim. Smatra da se treba boriti za roditeljsku ljubav, skreće pozornost na sebe raznim oblicima neprimjerenog ponašanja. Ukoliko to ne pomogne, dijete reagira ekstremno agresivno ili se povlači u sebe. Ako roditelji nisu dosljedni u odgajanju djece, može doći do toga da djeca teško nauče što se smije, a što se ne smije, postaju zbunjena. Zato i iskazuju neprimjerena ponašanja.
Često se ne potiče razvoj emocionalne inteligencije kod djece. Dijete doživljava osjećaje od samog rođenja, ukoliko se ta sposobnost ne potiče na vrijeme, dijete će početi negirati osjećaje (Jovančević i sur., 2005). Najvažniji oblik emocionalno – socijalnog razvoja je razvoj privrženosti. Sigurno privržena djeca su znatiželjnija, bolje spoznajno i socijalno razvijena (Starc i sur., 2004). Djeca skrivaju osjećaje da izbjegnu okolinsku reakciju. Roditelji često ne prihvaćaju i ne shvaćaju ozbiljno osjećaje djece. Emocionalnu inteligenciju roditelji potiču razvijanjem vlastite emocionalne inteligencije i sistematskim podučavanjem, ne samo riječima, već i iskustvima. Roditelji trebaju biti iskreni prema djetetu, poticati ga u stvaranju i održavanju prijateljstava, zahtijevati uljudno ponašanje prema drugima, biti autoritativni, učiti dijete upornosti, ne dopustiti djetetu da puno vremena provodi pred televizorom, igrati se s djetetom, poticati dijete da slobodno izrazi što osjeća, njegovati humor, učiti dijete zdravom životu, razvijati optimističan stav prema životu i problemima (Jovančević i sur., 2005).
Najvažniji partneri roditeljima u odgoju djece su odgojitelji u dječjem vrtiću. Odgojitelji trebaju posjedovati kompetencije potrebne za prevenciju poremećaja u ponašanju i rizičnih ponašanja djece, kao i kompetencije potrebne za ostvarivanje partnerskih odnosa s roditeljima. Odgojitelj treba organizirati tematske roditeljske sastanke, individualne tematske sastanke, komunikacijske roditeljske sastanke. |
Abstract (english) | The most important characteristic of a family is the warmth of the emotional relationships between parents and children. The emotional radiation of the family strongly influences the child's development, the child's experience of relationships between people. The quality of the relationship between parents and children depends on their characteristics. Children are different. It is important to show love to children and accept them as they are. Children can hardly bear the lack of parental love. Often, parents do everything to please their children, but keep them away from themselves, the children are looked after by relatives, nanny. In such a situation, the child does not feel loved, he is considered disobedient, unsuccessful. He believes that he should fight for parental love, draws attention to himself through various forms of inappropriate behavior. If this does not help, the child reacts extremely aggressively or withdraws into himself. If the parents are not consistent in raising children, it can come to that children have a hard time learning what to laugh about, and what not to do, they become confused. That's why they show inappropriate behavior.
The development of emotional intelligence in children is often not encouraged. A child experiences feelings from birth, if this ability is not encouraged in time, the child will begin to deny feelings (Jovancevic et al., 2005). The most important form of emotional-social development is the development of attachment. Securely attached children are more curious, better cognitively and socially developed (Starc et al., 2004). Children hide their feelings to avoid environmental reaction. Parents often do not accept and do not take their children's feelings seriously. Parents encourage emotional intelligence by developing their own emotional intelligence and by systematic teaching, not only with words, but also with experiences. Parents should be honest with the child, encourage him to create and maintain friendships, demand polite behavior towards others, be authoritative, teach the child perseverance, do not allow the child to spend a lot of time in front of the television, play with the child, encourage the child to express his feelings freely , nurture humor, teach the child a healthy life, develop an optimistic attitude towards life and problems (Jovancevic et al., 2005).
Kindergarten teachers are the most important partners of parents in raising children. Educators should possess the competences necessary for the prevention of behavioral disorders and risky behaviors of children, as well as the competences necessary for the realization of
partnership relations with parents. The educator should organize thematic parent meetings, individual thematic meetings, communication parent meetings. |