Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada je oblikovanje slikovnice akvarel tehnikom. Rad se sastoji od dva dijela. Prvi dio je teorijski, a drugi je praktični. U teorijskom dijelu rada prikazan je akvarel kao slikarska tehnika. Ovaj dio rada sadržava osnovne informacije o akvarelu, kako teorijski tako i praktični dio. Obuhvaća poglavlja koja izlažu kratku povijest akvarela, materijal i pribor koji se koristi pri slikanju akvarelom. Nakon toga slijede koraci pripreme za dobivanje što kvalitetne ilustracije, koji se očituju kroz perspektivu i kompoziciju, te su na kraju predstavljeni načina slikanja akvarelom. Zatim slijedi poglavlje o slikovnici, u kojem su izložene opća obilježja slikovnice, kao i njezine funkcije i vrste s obzirom na određeni kriterij. Spominju se i drugi važni aspekti oblikovanja slikovnice poput oblika, izgleda teksta, sadržaja, likovno vizualnog oblikovanja slikovnice, kao i stila koji je primjenjiv i primjeren. Nadalje, u ovom radu se nalazi poglavlje koje progovara o važnosti slikovnice za dječji razvoj, te utjecaju i ulozi koju slikovnica ima u životu djeteta. Pri tom se misli na odgojno obrazovnu ulogu slikovnice, kao i na činjenicu da je ona predmet koji je prisutan u dječjem životu od samih početaka. U praktičnom dijelu završnoga rada nalazi se kratki opis slikovnice uz navedene glavne likove, temom i ciljem slikovnice. Nakon spomenutog, izložen je storyboard slikovnice, kao i njegov značaj za nastanak slikovnice. U zadnjem dijelu se nalazi opis nastanka ilustracija, tehnika, materijali koji su korišteni, dodatno uređenje ilustracija, te same ilustracije slikovnice. Dio ilustracija je nastao u okviru kolegija Metodika likovne kulture 2 u sklopu zadatka izrade slikovnice s temom „Predmet iz djetinjstva“, dok je drugi dio slikovnice nastao u svrhu potreba ovog rada. Cilj ovog rada je istaknuti važnost primjerenih materijala koji okružuju djecu, te kakav utjecaj ostavljaju na njih za daljnji život. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this final work is the design of a picture book using the watercolor technique. The paper consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical, and the second is practical. In the theoretical part of the work, watercolor is presented as a painting technique. This part of the paper contains basic information about watercolor, both theoretical and practical. It includes chapters that outline a brief history of watercolor, the materials and supplies used in watercolor painting. After that, there are preparation steps for obtaining the best possible illustration, which are manifested through perspective and composition, and at the end, watercolor painting methods are presented. Then follows the chapter on the picture book, in which the general characteristics of the picture book are presented, as well as its functions and types with regard to a certain criterion. Other important aspects of the design of the picture book are also mentioned, such as the shape, appearance of the text, content, artistic visual design of the picture book, as well as the style that is applicable and appropriate. Furthermore, this paper contains a chapter that talks about the importance of picture books for children's development, and the influence and role that picture books have in a child's life. This refers to the educational role of the picture book, as well as the fact that it is an object that is present in children's lives from the very beginning. In the practical part of the final paper, there is a short description of the picture book along with the mentioned main characters, the theme and the goal of the picture book. After the aforementioned, the storyboard of the picture book is exhibited, as well as its significance for the creation of the picture book. In the last part, there is a description of the creation of the illustrations, techniques, materials that were used, additional arrangement of the illustrations, and the illustrations of the picture book themselves. Part of the illustrations was created within the framework of the Art Methodology 2 course as part of the task of creating a picture book with the theme "Subject from childhood", while the other part of the picture book was created for the purpose of this work. The aim of this work is to highlight the importance of appropriate materials surrounding children, and what impact they leave on them for further life. |