Title Njegovanje zavičajne jezične baštine u razrednoj nastavi
Title (english) Cultivating native language heritage in primary school education
Author Marta Mikulić
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Iva Gruić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract Hrvatska jezična raznolikost temelj je jezičnog i kulturnog bogatstva i bitna je sastavnica hrvatskoga jezičnog identiteta. Jezična raznolikost vrijednost je koju treba njegovati, razvijati i prenositi na mlađe naraštaje. Prvi jezik s kojim se dijete susreće jedan je od zavičajnih idioma čijim temeljima ono ovlada već u ranom djetinjstvu. Škola kao odgojno-obrazovna ustanova dužna je prepoznati i iskoristiti organski idiom u nastavi kako bi učenici lakše ovladali hrvatskim standardnim jezikom.
Rad će prikazati i objasniti jezične okolnosti u kojima djeca uče standardni jezik, prikazat će značajke triju narječja, objasnit će važnost zavičajnih idioma i njihov doprinos nematerijalnoj jezičnoj baštini, kao i njegovanje zavičajnih idioma u školi. Prikazat će vrijednosti i odgojno-obrazovna područja određena Nacionalnim kurikulumom za osnovnoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje (MZO, 2017) i njihov utjecaj na izgradnju jezičnog identiteta. Analizirat će prisutnost dijalektnih sadržaja u razrednoj nastavi u okviru Kurikuluma za nastavni predmet Hrvatski jezik (MZO, 2019).
Cilj rada bio je ispitati stavove učitelja1 o njegovanju zavičajne jezične baštine u razrednoj nastavi. Rezultati su pokazali da ih većina smatra važnim njegovanje zavičajne jezične baštine, kao i prisutnost dijalektnih sadržaja u Kurikulumu za nastavni predmet Hrvatski jezik. Nadalje, rezultatima je potvrđeno kako učitelji razredne nastave koji su izvorni govornici kajkavskoga i čakavskoga imaju pozitivnije stavove za uvođenje više dijalektnih sadržaja u nastavi nego izvorni govornici štokavskoga narječja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako veća prisutnost dijalektnih aktivnosti u nastavi ne ovisi o narječju kojim ispitanici govore kao ni o njihovom radnom iskustvu.
Abstract (english) Croatian linguistic diversity is the foundation of linguistic and cultural richness, and an essential component of Croatian linguistic identity. Linguistic diversity is a value that should be nurtured, developed, and passed on to younger generations. The first language a child encounters is one of the native idioms, the basics of which they grasp early in childhood. The school, as an educational institution, is obliged to recognize and utilize the native idiom in teaching, enabling students to more easily master the Croatian standard language.
This thesis will illustrate and explain the linguistic circumstances in which children learn the standard language, display the characteristics of three dialects, elucidate the importance of native idioms and their contribution to intangible linguistic heritage, as well as the nurturing of native idioms in school. It will exhibit the values and educational areas determined by the National Curriculum for primary education (MZO, 2017) and their influence on the formation of linguistic identity. It will analyze the presence of dialect content in classroom instruction within the Croatian Language Curriculum (MZO, 2019).
The aim of the study was to investigate teachers' attitudes towards nurturing native linguistic heritage in classroom teaching. The results showed that the majority of them consider it important to nurture the native linguistic heritage, as well as the presence of dialectal content in the Croatian Language Curriculum. Furthermore, the results confirmed that classroom teachers who are native speakers of the Kajkavian and Chakavian dialects hold more positive attitudes towards introducing more dialect content in lessons than native speakers of the Shtokavian dialect. The research results showed that a greater presence of dialect activities in teaching does not depend on the dialect spoken by the respondents nor on their teaching experience.
jezična raznolikost
zavičajni idiomi u školi
rezultati istraživanja
Keywords (english)
language diversity
native idioms in school
research findings
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:655488
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-19 09:20:01