Title Dječja književnost kao poticaj za razvoj vrlina i snaga
Title (english) Children's literature as an incentive for the development of virtues and strengths
Author Bruna Bezjak
Mentor Lana Jurčec (mentor)
Mentor Božica Vuić (sumentor)
Committee member Božica Vuić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lana Jurčec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Staša Kukulj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract Ovaj rad daje prikaz ljudskih vrlina i snaga te kako je došlo do klasifikacije vrlina i snaga koja se koristi danas u psihologiji, nakon što se godinama psihologija bavila najviše problemima i bolestima. Klasifikacija vrlina i snaga u radu se temelji na VIA klasifikaciji ljudskih vrlina i snaga koju su identificirali Martin Seligman i Christopher Peterson 2004. godine. Utvrdili su šest osnovnih vrlina a svaku od njih određuju njezine snage, kojih je ukupno dvadeset i četiri. Temeljne ljudske vrline su: mudrost i znanje, odvažnost, humanost, pravednost, umjerenost, transcendentnost.
Obzirom na odgojno-obrazovnu ulogu škole, učitelji bi trebali poticati svoje učenike na korištenje vrlina te ih učiti o njima i njihovoj dobrobiti kroz različite aktivnosti. Predmeti koji su najpogodniji za učenje o vrlinama su povijest i književnost zbog narativne prirode u kojoj uvijek postoji neka vrlina ili mana koja je pokretač glavnog lika.
Cilj ovog kvalitativnog istraživanja je ispitati kako učenici shvaćaju i prepoznaju vrline u svome životu. Istraživanje je provedeno s učenicima jednog četvrtog razreda, koji su pomoću dječje književnosti bili motivirani za razgovor o vrlinama i snagama poput timskog duha, mudrosti, velikodušnosti, zahvalnosti, opraštanju i iskrenosti te rješavanje upitnika, u kojemu su prepoznavali situacije u kojima koriste navedene vrline te opisivali značenje vrlina svojim riječima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako učenici najviše vole koristiti vrlinu timskog duha, a nakon provedenog istraživanja, najviše su koristili iskrenost. Također istraživanja pokazuju kako se literarnom komunikacijom s književnim tekstovima ostvaruje odgojna zadaća koja se temelji na učenju o vrlinama i snagama.
Abstract (english) This thesis provides an overview of human virtues and strengths and explain the history of virtues, specifically on how is the classification of virtues and strengths used in psychology today, in contrast to previus usage of psychology, which was primarly focused on problems and illnesses for years The classification of virtues and strengths in this paper is based on the VIA classification of human virtues and strengths identified by Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson in 2004. They established six main virtues defined by their twenty four charachter strenghts. Main human virtues are: wisdom and knowledge, courage, humanity, justice, moderation and transcendence.
Due to eduactional role of school, all teachers should encourage their students to discover their own virtues, and also teach them how to use their virtues throughout various activities in order to discover true benefits. Subjects most suitable for learning about virtues are history and literature. Due to their narrative nature, in which there is always main character that is driven by his/hers virtues or flaws.
The goal of this qualitatively research is to examine how students perceive and recognize virtues in their own lives. The research was conducted with fourth-grade students who were motivated to discuss virtues and strengths like team spirit, wisdom, gratitude, generosity, forgiveness, and honesty, by using children's literature and completing a questionnaire. In the questionnaire they identified situations in which they used these virtues and described the meaning of virtues in their own words. Results of research show that students are most likely to use virtue of team spirit, and after this research was coducted, they were most likely to use the virtue of honesty. The research results also show that through education, specifically learning the literature, students can be encouraged to upbringing by their teachers which is based on learning about virtues and strengths.
pozitivna psihologija
Keywords (english)
positive psychology
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:742659
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-06 11:45:56