Title Glina kao likovni materijal u primarnom obrazovanju
Title (english) Clay as an art material in primary education
Author Nika Liović
Mentor Ivana Gagić Kičinbači (mentor)
Committee member Luka Petrač (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonia Čačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Gagić Kičinbači (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy School Pedagogy
Abstract Kiparstvo je umjetnost koja datira još od doba prapovijesti. Mijenjalo se s nadolazećim kulturama i iste nadživjelo, odražavajući razvoj civilizacije. Materijali koje kipari oblikuju su prirodni ili umjetni te ih diferenciramo po stupnju tvrdoće na meke, tvrde i polutvrde materijale. Glina je kiparska tehnika koju svrstavamo pod prirodne i meke materijale te se može oblikovati rukom, različitim alatima ili upotrebom strojeva. Prema brojnim istraživanjima, glina povoljno djeluje na razvoj motorike te je ujedno i medij koji je veoma prisutan u području art terapije. Art terapija je pristup koji koristi različite elemente umjetnosti s ciljem utjecanja na zdravlje pojedinca te se, između ostalog, može primjenjivati u odgojno-obrazovnim procesima u primarnom obrazovanju. Glina je nepravedno zapostavljena i zamijenjena glinamolom na satima Likovne kulture u razrednoj nastavi. Ovaj materijal nije stran djeci, jer se ona s njim susreću u ranom djetinjstvu, igrajući se blatom u prirodi. Djeca primanjem gline u ruke započinju proučavanje tog materijala, često spontano otkrivajući različite mogućnosti njezina oblikovanja i modeliranja putem igre. Praktični dio ovoga rada odnosi se na likovne radionice modeliranja i građenja glinom, provedene s učenicima trećeg razreda. Polazište i inspiracija likovnim radionicama nalaze se u prirodnim ljepotama otoka Raba – morskome dnu i geološki raznolikim plažama te šumama i planinarskim stazama. S namjerom ostvarivanja višedimenzionalnog doživljaja rada glinom te doticanja s područjem art terapije, s učenicima su provedene dramske igre i vježbe, ponegdje uz pomoć pokreta te uvijek uz prisutnost glazbe. Cilj provedenih aktivnosti je otkrivanje rada glinom počevši s uzimanjem gline odlamanjem, pomoću žice, pa sve do raspremanja radnoga prostora. Analiza likovnih radionica provodila se usmenim upitnicima te pisanim upitnikom na kraju druge likovne radionice. Po završetku ciklusa radionica, likovni su se radovi učenika položili u izložbeni prostor koji čini „plažu“ trećeg razreda osnovne škole u kojem su radionice provedene. Izložbeni postav trajno je izložen u prostoru učionice.
Abstract (english) Sculpting is a type of art, one which has been alive since the prehistoric age, and which has been changing, growing with, and outgrowing various civilizations. The materials that sculptors work with can be natural or synthetic and are differentiated by their degree of hardness as soft, hard and semi-hard materials. Clay is a sculptural technique classified as a natural and soft material, and can be shaped differently – by hands, tools or machines. According to numerous studies, clay has a positive effect on the development of motor skills, while simultaneously being a medium used in the field of art therapy. Art therapy is an approach that contains various elements of art with the aim of influencing the health of the individual and, among other things, can be applied in educational processes in lower primary. Clay is often unfairly neglected and replaced with clay mol in Art classes. This material is already well known to children because they encounter it in early childhood, while playing with mud in nature. By interacting with clay, children begin the game of studying this material, while unconsciously learning the varieties of its shaping and modeling. The methods employed in this research refer to the conduction of art workshops. These workshops were conducted in modelling and shaping clay and were carried out with third grade students. The starting point and inspiration for the workshops is the natural beauty of the Island of Rab – from its seabed and geologically diverse beaches through its forests and hiking trails. Certain drama techniques were conducted with the students, along with movement and music, where the intention was to achieve the multifaceted experience of working with clay and entering the domain of art therapy. The aim of workshops was to fulfill the entire process of working with clay, starting with the preparation of clay and ending with the cleaning up of the workspace. Analyses of the workshops were conducted in the form of oral questionnaires at the end of each workshop, as well as a written questionnaire at the end of the last workshop. Upon completion, the students' art works were placed in the exhibition space located in their classroom.
art terapija
likovne radionice
Likovna kultura
Keywords (english)
art therapy
art workshops
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:969597
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-01-09 13:49:56