Abstract | Miro Gavran autor je dječjih romana Svašta u mojoj glavi, Halo, ljubavi, Kako je tata osvojio mamu, Sretni dani i Zaljubljen do ušiju i drugih. Već iz samih naslova da se nagovijestiti kako je riječ o ljubavnim romanima koji su posljednjih godina sve popularniji u krugu mlade čitateljske publike. U ovom diplomskom radu analizirat će se upravo gore navedeni romani. U uvodnome poglavlju rada detaljnije se opisuje slučaj dječje književnosti kako u svijetu tako i u Hrvatskoj književnosti, u glavnome dijelu rada opisuju se fabule romana, a u završnome dijelu rada opisuju se obilježja Gavranovih romana. Romani koje Miro Gavran namjenjuje najmlađoj čitateljskoj publici; djeci specifični su po njihovoj lakoj čitljivosti, dozi humora, a u ponekim se romanima susrećemo i s dozom tabua koje autor s lakoćom spušta, no, mogli bismo reći i podiže na razinu koji je prilagođen publici za koju je pisan. Autor ne progovara samo o dječjim ljubavnim zgodama, već je često u plan interesa stavljen i pokoji obiteljski, odnosno bračni problem koji tišti mladog protagonista te on uvelike nastoji taj problem riješiti i pomoći na način koji on smatra pravilnim. |
Abstract (english) | Miro Gavran is the author of children's novels Everything in my head, Hello, Love, How Dad Won Mom, Happy Days and Loved to the Head and others. Already from the titles itself, it can be hinted that these are romance novels that have become increasingly popular among young readers in recent years. In this thesis, the novels mentioned above will be analyzed. In the introductory chapter of the paper, the case of children's literature both in the world and in Croatian literature is described in more detail, in the main part of the paper, the plot of the novel is described, and in the final part of the paper, the features of Gavran's novels are described. Miro Gavran's novels intended for the youngest readers; for children, they are specific for their easy readability, a dose of humor, and in some novels we also encounter a dose of taboos that the author easily lowers, but, we could say, raises to a level that is adapted to the audience for whom it was written. The author doesn't only talk about children's love affairs, but often a family or marital problem that worries the young protagonist is also included in the plan of interest, and he makes great efforts to solve that problem and help in a way that he considers correct. |