Abstract | Odgojitelji u svojem odgojno-obrazovnom radu trebaju biti svjesni važnosti kuturnog obrazovanja djece kako bi se razvili u pojedince koji imaju stav i osjećaje prema umjetnosti. Kazalište oplemenjuje čovjekov život i tako treba pronaći mjesto u vrtiću kao odgojno-obrazovnoj ustanovi koja holistički pristupa svakom djetetu. Dramski odgoj djeteta obavijen je elementom stvaralačke mašte, koja je ključni element kreativnosti, jer iz nje proizlaze procesi dječjeg doživljaja svijeta koji ga okružuje i sebe kao dijela tog svijeta (Ladika, 1970).
Dobrobiti dramskog odgoja uvelike utječu na dijete sada, no velik utjecaj imaju na izgradnju djetetova kasnijeg života. Odlazak u kazalište na predstavu koja je primjerena dobi djeteta i njegovim interesima te uključivanje dramskih metoda u svakodnevni rad s djecom, utječe na socio-emocionalni razvoj, stvaralaštvo, spoznajni razvoj, suradničko djelovanje, razvija komunikacijske i govorne vještine te pomaže djetetu razumijeti okolinu i sebe (Aćin Thelander i sur., 2015).
Stoga se u teorijskom dijelu rada osvrćem na pojam kazališta za djecu, potom na dobrobiti takvog kazališta na razvoj djeteta, a velik naglasak stavljam na dječju kazališnu publiku kao segment kazališta koji ne smije biti zanemaren, zatim na profile publika ovisno o dobi i važnost odlaska u kazalište. Bavim se i dramskim odgojem, dramskom igrom, klasifikacijom dramskih pojmova te dramskim tehnikama i metodama u radu s djecom rane i predškolske dobi.
Istraživanje je provedeno u dvije odgojno-obrazovne skupine koje su posjetile dvije različite kazališne predstave. Prije odlaska u kazalište provedna je dramska radionica koja je djecu pripremila za odlazak na predstavu uz pomoć dramskih aktivnosti, a radionica poslije gledanja predstve djeci je pružila priliku izraziti se na dramski način nakon odgledane predstave. S djecom i odgojiteljima su provedeni intervjui te su radionice detaljno objašnjene (od cilja svake aktivnosti do provedbe svake aktivnosti), a nakon sve radionice napisana je samorefleksija. U zaključku se osvrćem na važnost dramskog odgoja i kako ga primjeniti u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. |
Abstract (english) | Educators in their educational work need to be aware of the importance of cultural education for children in order to develop individuals who have an attitude and feelings towards art. Theatre enriches a person's life and, as such, should find its place in kindergarten as an educational institution that holistically approaches each child. The dramatic education of a child is enveloped in the element of creative imagination, which is a key element of creativity because it gives rise to processes of a child's experience of the world that surrounds them and themselves as a part of that world (Ladika, 1970).
The benefits of drama education greatly impact a child's present, but they also have a significant influence on shaping the child's later life. Attending age-appropriate theatre performances that align with a child's interests and incorporating dramatic methods into everyday work with children affects socio-emotional development, creativity, cognitive development, collaborative action, communication and speech skills, and helps the child understand their environment and themselves (Aćin Thelander i sur., 2015).
Therefore, in the theoretical part of this work, I focus on the concept of theatre for children, followed by the benefits of such theatre on a child's development, with a major emphasis on the child theatre audience as a segment that must not be overlooked. I also delve into audience profiles based on age and the importance of attending theatre. I explore drama education, dramatic play, the classification of dramatic concepts, as well as drama techniques and methods in working
with children of early and preschool age.
The research was conducted in two educational groups that attended two different theatre performances. Prior to going to the theatre, a drama workshop was conducted, which prepared the children for the performance through various dramatic activities, and after watching the performance, another workshop allowed the children to express themselves in a dramatic way. Interviews were conducted with the children and educators, and the workshops were explained in detail (from the objectives of each activity to the execution of each activity). Following each workshop, a self-reflection was written. In conclusion, I emphasize the importance of drama education and how to implement it in the educational process. |