Title Primjena slikovnice na dodatnoj nastavi matematike
Title (english) The use of picture book in the math enrichment program
Author Monika Brčić
Mentor Dubravka Glasnović-Gracin (mentor)
Mentor Marina Gabelica (sumentor)
Committee member Goran Trupčević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Gabelica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Glasnović-Gracin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy School Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Didactics
Abstract Tema ovog diplomskog rada je primjena slikovnice na dodatnoj nastavi matematike. U teorijskom dijelu rada nudi se pregled povijesti slikovnice, njezinih funkcija te različitih podjela slikovnice. Također se razmatra uloga i važnost slikovnice u radu s učenicima razredne nastave. Kao jedna od vrsta slikovnica posebno se izdvaja matematička slikovnica te se analiziraju teme matematičkih slikovnica. Rad obuhvaća i prikaz načela u nastavi matematike te kurikuluma nastavnog predmeta Matematike s posebnim naglaskom na prvi razred osnovne škole i dodatnu nastavu.
Matematička slikovnica Brojalica, autorica Julije Donaldson i Sharon-King Chai, korištena je kao baza za aktivnosti provedene unutar radionica za učenike prvih razreda na dodatnoj nastavi matematike. U prvoj fazi osmišljeni su zadatci i nastavni materijali na temelju sadržaja slikovnice Brojalica. U drugoj fazi učenici su u radionicama čitali slikovnicu, diskutirali sa studenticom te rješavali dobivene zadatke. U trećoj fazi, prema prethodno osmišljenom zadatku riječima, učenici su samostalno osmislili ilustracije za vlastitu matematičku slikovnicu. Praćenjem učeničke aktivnosti kroz sve tri faze i analizom novonastale učeničke slikovnice utvrđeno je kako su involvirani učenici bili visoko motivirani za rješavanje zadataka sadržajno vezanih uz matematičku slikovnicu Brojalica, a novonastala slikovnica je kvalitetna matematička slikovnica kojom je moguće ostvariti brojna matematička načela i koja zadovoljava razne funkcije slikovnice. Ovim radom pokazalo se kako je potrebna kreativnost učitelja u organizaciji dodatne nastave matematike da bi se učenike zainteresiralo i dodatno motiviralo za usvajanje matematičkih sadržaja.
Abstract (english) The topic of this thesis is the use of a picture book in the math enrichment program. The theoretical part of the thesis gives an overview of the history of picture books, its roles and classification. The role and importance of picture books in teaching lower primary students are also discussed. As one of the types of picture books, a mathematical picture book is singled out and the topics of mathematical picture books are analysed. The thesis also includes an overview of the principles in teaching mathematics as well as the mathematics curriculum, with special emphasis on the first year primary school and math enrichment program.
The mathematical picture book Counting Creatures, by Julia Donaldson and SharonKing Chai, was used as the basis for activities carried out within workshops for first grade students in math enrichment program. In the first phase, assignments and teaching materials were designed based on the content of the picture book Counting Creatures. Second phase consisted of workshops where students read the picture book, discussed it with a university student, and solved the given tasks. It was finished by the third phase where, according to a previously designed word assignment, students independently designed illustrations for their own mathematical picture book. Monitoring student activity through all three phases and analysing the newly created student picture book showed that the students involved were highly motivated to solve the tasks related to the mathematical picture book Counting Creatures. In addition, it showed that the newly created picture book is a high-quality mathematical picture book that can achieve numerous mathematical principles and which also satisfies various functions of a picture book. This work has also shown that it takes the creativity of teachers in the organisation of math enrichment program to interest students and further motivate them to adopt mathematical content.
matematička slikovnica
dodatna nastava matematike
Keywords (english)
picture book
mathematical picture book
math enrichment program
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:646710
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-01-10 12:27:43