Abstract | Ovaj se rad detaljnije bavi problematikom suradnje između obitelji i ustanove za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, utjecajem tih dviju odgojnih sredina, važnijim značajkama, barijerama i preduvjetima za ostvarivanje partnerskog odnosa te različitim modalitetima suradnje. U dječjim se vrtićima odvija odgojno-obrazovni rad s djecom rane i predškolske dobi koja dolaze iz različitih obiteljskih okruženja, stoga bi odgojno-obrazovni djelatnici trebali prema svojoj profesionalnoj ulozi stvoriti kulturu vrtića i uvjete koji će odgovarati na sve dječje potrebe, kao i na prava i potrebe djetetove obitelji. Roditelji najviše komuniciraju s odgojiteljima njihove djece, a kako bi bilo moguće razviti suradničke odnose između obitelji i odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika od iznimne je važnosti obostrana spremnost na suradnju. Stvaranje suradničkih odnosa između obitelji i ustanove za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje predstavlja ulogu svih odgojnoobrazovnih djelatnika, a ovisi o individualnim čimbenicima svih aktera te o samoj kulturi vrtića. Postoje različiti modaliteti suradnje u kojima roditelji mogu imati pasivnu ili aktivnu ulogu. Sve je veći naglasak na modalitetima u kojima roditelji zauzimaju aktivnu ulogu te koji suradničke odnose unaprjeđuju do razine partnerstva. Roditelji i odgojno-obrazovni djelatnici trebali bi biti senzibilizirani za dječje potrebe te imati razvijene kompetencije koje im omogućuju stvaranje uvjeta za kontinuiranu suradnju koja predstavlja jedan od važnijih preduvjeta za osiguravanje cjelokupnog razvoja djeteta.
U ovom se radu nastojalo ispitati mišljenje roditelja o suradnji s ustanovom za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. Istraživali su se stavovi roditelja o suradnji s odgojiteljima i stručnim suradnicima dječjeg vrtića te općenito o važnosti suradnje između obitelji i dječjeg vrtića kao i utjecaju suradnje na dijete. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 102 ispitanika, roditelja djece koja polaze dječji vrtić, a mjerni instrument koji je korišten za potrebe istraživanja jest anketni upitnik. Analizom dobivenih rezultata nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike spram dobi, obrazovanja i dužine suradnje ispitanika s ustanovama za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. |
Abstract (english) | This M.A. thesis deals with and explores the issue of cooperation between the family and the institution for early and preschool education, the influence of these two educational environments, its most relevant features, barriers and prerequisites for the realization of such a partnership and different modalities of cooperation. In kindergartens, educational work with children of early and preschool age, who come from different family environments, takes place. Consequently, according to their professional role, educational workers should create a kindergarten culture and conditions that will respond to all children's needs, as well as their rights and the needs of the child's family. It is a fact that parents mainly communicate with their child’s educators, and in order to develop a collaborative relationship between families and educational staff, mutual willingness to cooperate is of extreme importance. The creation of cooperative relations between the family and the institution for early and preschool education represents the role of all educational workers, and it depends on the individual factors of all its actors and on the culture of the kindergarten itself. Furthermore, various modalities of cooperation in which parents can play a passive or active role are known to exist. There is an increasing emphasis on modalities in which parents take an active role, and which advance the collaborative relationships to the level of partnership. Hornby's model is discussed as the most suitable model of parental participation, according to which parents choose how to get involved in the work of the educational institution. Parents, as well as educational workers, should be sensitized to children's needs, and possess developed competencies that enable them to create conditions for continuous cooperation, which is certainly one of the most important prerequisites for ensuring the overall development of a child.
In this M.A. thesis, an attempt was made to examine the opinion of parents on the cooperation with an institution for early and preschool education. Parental attitudes towards the cooperation with educators and kindergarten professionals and on the importance of cooperation between family and kindergarten, as well as the impact of cooperation on the child, were investigated. The research was conducted on a sample of 102 respondents, who were the parents of children attending kindergarten, whereas the measuring instrument used for the purposes of the research was a questionnaire. There were no statistically significant differences with regard to age, education and length of cooperation of the respondents with institutions for early and preschool education found in the analysis. |