Abstract | U današnje vrijeme pretilost kod djece predškolske i školske dobi predstavlja sve veću ugrozu zdravom razvoju i odrastanju djece. Pretilost ne nastaje sama od sebe, njoj prethode različiti uzroci i čimbenici koji na nju utječu, bilo da se radi o genetskim ili okolinskim čimbenicima. Također, nije svako dijete koje je pretilo pretilo samo zato što jede previše nezdrave i visokokalorične hrane, nego postoji i pretilost do koje je došlo uslijed određenih zdravstvenih problema, stoga kada se govori o klasifikaciji pretilosti, postoje primarna i sekundarna. Nadalje, kroz rad su prikazani i rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja provedenih u Hrvatskoj koja se odnose na pretilost, kao i posljedice koje pretilost izaziva, bilo da se misli na duševne (manjak samopouzdanja, osjećaj srama i dr.) ili zdravstvene (jer pretilost dovodi do pojave određenih bolesti kao što su primjerice, bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava, dijabetesa i dr.). Pretilost se, kao i druge određene bolesti, može prevenirati, a ključnu ulogu u preveniranju pretilosti (postoje četiri načina: primarna, sekundarna, tercijarna i kvartarna prevencija) odigravaju roditelji, djelatnici odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova, te u konačnici, i samo dijete, koje treba uz pomoć roditelja, biti svjesno da se treba hraniti zdravo (ne samo s ciljem gubitka kilograma, nego i radi zdravijeg života), kretati se i biti aktivno. Dakle, može se reći kako je prije svega, pravilna prehrana ključ djetetovog zdravog rasta i razvoja, a roditelji su ti, koji trebaju pružiti podršku svom djetetu ukoliko je pretilo, razumjeti ga i nastojati mu pomoći u borbi s kilogramima. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays obesity amongst children of preschool and school age raises concerns in forms of healthy growth and development of a child. Obesity does not arise by itself, it is preceded by various causes and factors that influence it, whether it is genetic or environmental factors. Also, not every child who is obese is obese just because they eat too much unhealthy and high-calorie food, but there is also obesity that occurred due to certain health problems, so when talking about the classification of obesity, there are primary and secondary. Furthermore, the paper presents the results of previous research conducted in Croatia related to obesity, as well as the consequences that obesity causes, whether it is mental (lack of self-confidence, feeling of shame, etc.) or health (because obesity leads to occurrence of certain diseases such as, for example, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, etc.). Obesity, like other certain diseases, can be prevented, and the key role in obesity prevention (there are four ways: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention) is played by parents, employees of educational institutions, and ultimately, the child himself, who with the help of parents, you should be aware that you should eat healthy (not only with the goal of losing weight, but also for a healthier life), move and be active. So, it can be said that first of all, proper nutrition is the key to a child's healthy growth and development, and parents are the ones who should support their child if he is overweight, understand him and try to help him in the fight with pounds. |