Title Religiozni odgoj djece predškolske dobi prema načelima Montessori pedagogije
Title (english) Religious education of preschool children according to the principles of Montessori pedagogy
Author Marija Merkaš
Mentor Višnja Rajić (mentor)
Committee member Višnja Rajić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alena Letina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Canjek Androić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Odgoj djece jedna je od najvažnijih zadaća društva. O tome kakva će nam biti djeca, ovisi budućnost čitavog čovječanstva. Različiti su pristupi odgoju i različite su pedagoške koncepcije odgoja. Jedna od odgojnih pedagoških koncepcija je Montessori pedagogija. Nastala je u početkom 20. stoljeća, no suvremena je i danas. Utemeljiteljica ove pedagoške koncepcije je Marija Montessori. Ona je napravila radikalan zaokret u pristupu djeci. Shvatila je da su djeca mali istraživači koji trebaju slobodu da bi se uspješno razvijali. No, uz dobivanje slobode, djeca moraju učiti biti odgovorni. Marija je promatrala dječje potrebe i na temelju toga formirala postavke svoje pedagogije. Shvatila je da su djeca religiozna bića i da je religija važan dio njihova razvoja. Ona nije razvila zaseban religiozni odgoj, već je religiju ucijepila u sve dimenzije odgoja. Cilj ovoga rada bio je pokazati važnost religijskog odgoja za cjelovit razvoj djece te kako religijski odgoj i Montessori pedagogija idu ruku pod ruku. Također, jedan od ciljeva je bio prikazati model vjerskog odgoja prema načelima Montessori pedagogije koji nosi naziv Kateheza dobrog Pastira.
Čovjek je od samih svojih početaka religiozno biće. Od kad zna za sebe, čovjek traži boga. S obzirom da je potreba za transcendentalnim temeljna ljudska potreba, važno je omogućiti djeci da ju zadovolje. Religijski odgoj započinje u obitelji, a nastavlja se u vrtiću i školi. Pritom je važno gledati na dijete kao na suradnika u procesu učenja i odgoja. Montessori pedagogija vodi se idejom da su djeca sama sposobna učiti ako im se pruže potrebni uvjeti, a odgojitelj je samo pripomoć da dijete zadatak obavi samo. Spoj ovih dviju ideja, da je čovjek religiozno biće i da je dijete mali istraživač, nalazimo u programu Kateheze dobrog Pastira. Ovaj program objedinjuje metode rada Montessori pedagogije i pružanje djeci mogućnost susreta s Bogom koji je Dobri Pastir.
Abstract (english) Raising children is one of the most important tasks of society. The future of all humanity depends on what our children will be like. There are different approaches to education and different pedagogical conceptions of education. One of the educational pedagogical concepts is Montessori pedagogy. It was created at the beginning of the 20th century, but it is contemporary even today. The founder of this pedagogical concept is Marija Montessori. She made a radical turn in her approach to children. She understood that children are little explorers who need freedom to develop successfully. But along with gaining freedom, children must learn to be responsible. Marija observed the children's needs and formed the settings of her pedagogy based on that. She understood that children are religious beings and that religion is an important part of their development. She did not develop a separate religious education, but rather incorporated religion into all dimensions of education. The goal of this paper was to show the importance of religious education for the overall development of children and how religious education and Montessori pedagogy go side by side. Also, one of the goals was to present a model of religious education based on the principles of Montessori pedagogy, which is called the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
Man is a religious being from his very beginnings. Ever since he knows himself, man has been looking for God. Since the need for the transcendental is a fundamental human need, it is important to enable children to satisfy it. Religious education begins in the family and continues in kindergarten and school. At the same time, it is important to look at the child as a collaborator in the learning and upbringing process. Montessori pedagogy is guided by the idea that children are capable of learning on their own if they are provided with the necessary conditions, and the educator is only an aid for the child to complete the task on his own. We find the combination of these two ideas, that man is a religious being and that a child is a little researcher, in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. This program combines the methods of Montessori pedagogy and giving children the opportunity to meet God, who is the Good Shepherd.
religiozni odgoj
djeca predškolske dobi
Montessori pedagogija
Kateheza dobrog Pastira
Keywords (english)
religious education
preschool children
Montessori pedagogy
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:127916
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-01-22 09:24:26