Title Poticanje dječje jezične kreativnosti u okviru Montessori pedagogije
Title (english) Encouraging Children's Linguistic Creativity within the Framework of Montessori Pedagogy
Author Emilija Vardić
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Edita Rogulj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Jezik je ključan za čovjekov život i za transformaciju čovjekove okoline i civilizacije. Dijete upija jezik iz svog okružja. Ono ga usvaja kao jedinstvenu cjelinu i služi se njime. Da bi dijete imalo dobre poticaje za primjeren razvoj govora i jezika, mora se nalaziti u poticajnom okružju. Roditelji, odrasle osobe koje okružuju dijete i odgojitelji trebali bi biti emocionalno osjetljivi u razgovoru s djetetom, poticati dijete na govor pružajući mu različite poticaje i materijale za razvoj govora i jezika.
Ovaj rad može biti doprinos boljem razumijevanju svrhe i mogućnosti ranog poticanja dječje jezične kreativnosti s brojnim primjerima za to. U radu je navedena važnost roditeljske uloge u poticanju dječjeg jezičnog razvoja te uloga Montessori odgojitelja i okoline poticajne za jezični razvoj. Upravo Montessori pedagogija stavlja poseban naglasak na organizaciju okoline koja uvelike utječe na cjelokupni razvoj djeteta. Montessori pribor potiče djetetovo razumijevanje govorne komunikacije, izražavanje, stvaranje (konceptualizaciju) pojmova i logičko razmišljanje. Različiti Montessori poticaji za razvoj jezika i govora obogaćuju dječji rječnik, komunikaciju na materinskom i stranim jezicima i sposobnost za ovladavanjem vještina čitanja i pisanja.
Za potrebe rada intervjuirano je dvanaest Montessori odgojiteljica. Intervjuiranjem se željelo dobiti detaljniji uvid u poticanje dječjeg jezičnog razvoja putem aktivnosti i materijala u Montessori okružju. Intervjuiranje je provedeno u lipnju 2022. godine. Rezultati intervjua pokazali su da Montessori odgojiteljice primjećuju kod djece bogat opći, kao i specifični rječnik.
Zaključuje se kako je poticanje dječjeg jezičnog razvoja za predškolsku djecu vrlo važno, a ostvarivanje tog poticanja putem odgojnih metoda i materijala koje je osmislila Maria Montessori, to jest uz pomoć pribora za razvoj jezika i govora, poticaja primjerenih dobi djeteta te individualizacije rada, pridonosi razvoju dječje jezične kreativnosti.
Abstract (english) Language is crucial for human life and for the transformation of human environment and civilization. The child absorbs language from his environment. It adopts it as a unique whole and uses it. In order for the child to have good incentives for the appropriate development of speech and language, he must be in a stimulating environment. Parents, adults surrounding the child and educators should be emotionally sensitive when talking with the child, encourage the child to speak by providing him with various incentives and materials for speech and language development.
This work can be a contribution to a better understanding of the purpose and possibility of early stimulation of children's linguistic creativity with numerous examples for this. The paper states the importance of parents' role in encouraging children's language development, as well as the role of Montessori educators and the environment that encourages language development. It is Montessori pedagogy that places special emphasis on the organization of the environment, which greatly influences the overall development of the child. Montessori accessories encourage the child's understanding of spoken communication, expression, creation (conceptualization) of concepts and logical thinking. Various Montessori stimuli for the development of language and speech enrich children's vocabulary, communication in native and foreign languages, and the ability to master reading and writing skills.
For the purposes of the work, twelve Montessori educators were interviewed. By interviewing, we wanted to get a more detailed insight into encouraging children's language development through activities and materials in the Montessori environment. The interview was conducted in June 2022. The results of the interviews showed that Montessori educators notice a rich general as well as specific vocabulary in children.
It is concluded that the stimulation of children's language development is very important for preschool children, and the realization of this stimulation through educational methods and materials designed by Maria Montessori, that is, with the help of accessories for the development of language and speech, incentives suitable for the child's age and individualization of work, contributes to the development children's linguistic creativity.
dječji jezični razvoj
Montessori odgojitelj
upijajući um
Keywords (english)
absorbing mind
children's language development
Montessori educator
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:290444
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-01-23 10:05:32