Abstract | Istraživanja dječjeg razvoja započela su krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća te su se zbog velikog interesa pojavile razne teorije koje pružaju različite ideje o tome kakva su djeca i kako se mijenjaju. Autori se slažu da su djeca složena bića koja se mijenjaju tjelesno, kognitivno, emocionalno i socijalno (Berk, 2015). Genetsko naslijeđe predstavlja temelj razvoja, a okolina u kojoj se razvoj odvija vrlo je složena jer ju čini višeslojan skup utjecaja koji se međusobno kombiniraju kako bi povoljno ili nepovoljno utjecali na fizičko i psihičko zdravlje. Važnost obitelji izuzetno velika jer je obitelj prvi i najdugotrajniji kontekst razvoja (Berk, 2008). Unutar obitelji razvijaju se jedinstvene veze među ljudima poput privrženosti roditeljima, braći i sestrama koja redovito traje čitav život i služi kao model za stvaranje odnosa u širem svijetu poput susjedstva, škole i zajednice. Emocionalno tople i podražavajuće obiteljske veze prediktivne su za tjelesno i psihičko zdravlje tijekom čitavog života. Nasuprot tome izolacija ili otuđenje od obitelji često su povezani s razvojnim problemima (Parke i Buriel, 1998; prema Berk, 2008). Bitno je da roditelji razgovaraju sa svojom djecom, odgovaraju na njihova pitanja te ih potiču na istraživanje u sigurnoj okolini (Berk, 2008). Sposobnost regulacije emocija razvija se u ranom djetinjstvu iz interakcije s članovima obitelji i iz dječjeg prirodnog temperamenta, a dječji socijalni razvoj obuhvaća ponašanja, stavove i afekte sjedinjene u dječjoj interakciji s odraslima i vršnjacima (Brajša- Žganec, 2003). Bronfenbrener u svojoj teoriji ekoloških sustava ističe kako i okolina izvan mikrosustava snažno utječe na razvoj. Kultura utječe na sve aspekte svakodnevnog života, na interakcije u obitelji i izvanobiteljska okruženja prisutna u zajednici (Berk, 2008). |
Abstract (english) | Research into child development began at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, and due to great interest, various theories appeared that provide different ideas about what children are like and how they change. The authors agree that children are complex beings that change physically, cognitively, emotionally and socially (Berk, 2015). Genetic inheritance is the basis of development, and the environment in which development takes place is very complex because it consists of a multi-layered set of influences that combine with each other to have a favorable or unfavorable effect on physical and psychological health. The importance of the family is extremely great because the family is the first and longest-lasting context of development (Berk, 2008). Within the family, unique bonds develop between people such as attachment to parents and siblings, which regularly lasts a lifetime and serves as a model for creating relationships in the wider world such as the neighborhood, school and community. Emotionally warm and supportive family ties are predictive of physical and psychological health throughout life. In contrast, isolation or estrangement from family is often associated with developmental problems (Parke and Buriel, 1998; according to Berk, 2008). It is important that parents talk to their children, answer their questions and encourage them to explore in a safe environment (Berk, 2008). The ability to regulate emotions develops in early childhood from interaction with family members and from the child's natural temperament, and children's social development includes behaviors, attitudes and affects united in the child's interaction with other adults and peers (Brajša-Žganec, 2003). In his theory of ecological systems, Bronfenbrener points out that the environment outside the microsystem strongly influences development. Culture affects all aspects of everyday life, interactions in the family and extrafamily environments present in the community (Berk, 2008). |