Abstract | Ples je kroz povijest imao vrlo značajnu ulogu. Koristio se u prikazu raznih legendi pa sve do medicinskog značaja. Danas se prakticira i kao poticajni aspekt u razvoju djeteta. Izrazito potiče koordinaciju ruku i nogu, dok se od voditelja, trenera ili koreografa očekuje individualni pristup svakom djetetu. Takav način rada iziskuje stalnu edukaciju koja kroz iskustvo rada s djecom rezultira pozitivnim stavom djeteta prema samome sebi. Uz okruženje koje mora biti prilagođeno svakom djetetu, rad s djecom u timu iziskuje brojne čimbenike koje voditelj treba maksimalno uskladiti da bi odradio plesne pokrete, privukao pažnju svakog djeteta i dobio rezultat koji osim odrađenih plesnih sekvenca dovodi do izvedbe koreografije pred publikom. Koordinacija se razvija i usavršava od ranog djetinjstva, a značajan je čimbenik u procesu učenja plesnih vještina. Isto tako, bitno je da djeca s teškoćama u razvoju imaju jednaku mogućnost osjećati se dobrodošlo u plesni tim i svojom ljubavlju prema muzici i plesu, na svoj način kroz pokret iskazati svoje osjećaje. Pokret tijekom plesa, poticaj je za gibanje tijela i usklađivanje pokreta i ravnoteže što pomaže u razvoju koordinacije cijelog tijela. Gruba motorika osnovni je pokret s kojim svako dijete može započeti plesni pokret, istraživati svoje tijelo u pokretu, uspoređivati svoj individualni napredak, uspoređivati se s ostalom djecom i tako samo sebe usavršavati u osnovnom pokretu. Nije svako dijete jednako, djeca se razlikuju u fizičkim i kognitivnim sposobnostima, ali u radu s timom svojih vršnjaka, najbitnije je da se osjećaju sretno i da u takvom okruženju napreduju u svom radu. |
Abstract (english) | Throughout history, dance has had a very significant role. It was used in the display of various legends, and it even had medical significance. Today, it is practiced as a potential aspect in child development. It extremely encourages arm and leg coordination and, from coaches and choreographers, it is expected an individual approach to every child. Such a way of work requires and encourages constant education which, through experience of working with children, results in children's positive self-image. Along with the environment which must be adapted to every child, working with children in teams requires many factors which the choreographer must harmonize in order to work off the dance moves, acquire the attention of every child and get the result which would, except certain dance sequences, lead to the performance of the choreography in front of an audience. Coordination is learned from early childhood, perfected through proper training, to develop dance skills in a timely and purposeful way. It is also important that children with special needs have an equal opportunity to feel welcome in the dance team and, through their love for music and dance, express their feelings through movement in their own way. Any kind of movement during dance is an incentive for body movement and movement and balance harmony which helps in body coordination development. Rough motor skills are the basic movements with which every child can start a dance move, explore its body in movement, compare their knowledge, compare to other children and, with that, perfect themselves in the basic movement. Not every child is the same and children differ in their physical and mental abilities, but through working in teams with their peers, the most important thing is their happiness and that, in that kind of environment, they progress in their work. |