Title Dnevnički diskurs u hrvatskoj književnosti za djecu i mlade
Title (english) Diary In Croatian Literature For Children And Young Adults
Author Ida Matjanec
Mentor Andrijana Kos-Lajtman (mentor)
Committee member Ljubomir Levačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lea Šprajc (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrijana Kos-Lajtman (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Croatian Studies
Abstract Svrha ovog rada jest analizirati i usporediti pet romana dnevničkog diskursa hrvatske književnosti za djecu i mlade nastalih u rasponu od sedamdesetak godina, od kraja tridesetih godina 20. stoljeća, do početka 21. stoljeća. Romani koji će se analizirati su: Sedmi be (1939.) Jože Horvata, Dnevnik malog Perice (1942.) Vjekoslava Majera, Pokušaj zaboraviti (1996.) Mire Gavrana, Dnevnik Pauline P. (2000.) Sanje Polak i Dnevnik jedne ljubavi (2007.) Silvije Šesto Stipaničić i Ratka Bjelčića. U prvom dijelu rada teorijski se obrađuje autobiografska proza, prikazana su osnovna obilježja autobiografske proze, problematiziraju se mogući odnosi autora, lika i pripovjedača (autobiografski ugovor) te se analiziraju mogući diskurzivni tipovi autobiografije. Prikazan je razvoj autobiografije u hrvatskoj književnosti za djecu i mlade od tridesetih godina prošlog stoljeća do danas. Nabrojena su najupečatljivija djela u tome razdoblju te se problematizira razlog slabog objavljivanja autobiografske i dnevničke proze. Pet odabranih djela prezentirano je redoslijedom kojim su objavljivana, čime se dobiva uvid u razvijanje dnevničkog diskursa u hrvatskoj književnosti za djecu i mlade. Pozornost u razmatranjima odabranih romana usmjerena je na osnovne semantičke i stilske odrednice dnevničkog diskursa, na tematska obilježja romana kao i na odnos autora, lika i pripovjedača. Pažnja se posvećuje i događajima koji su vrijedni dnevničkog zapisivanja, koji pokreću radnju, kao i likovima koji zapisuju dnevničke zapise, ali i nekim sporednim likovima koje dnevnički subjekti spominju, a bitni su za radnju romana. Također, pažnja se posvećuje i vremenu u kojem je djelo pisano, vremenskom rasponu te obilježavanju toga vremena u dnevničkoj prozi.
Abstract (english) The purpose of this work is to analyze and compare five novels of the diary discourse of Croatian literature for children and young people, created in a span of about seventy years, from the end of the thirties of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. The novels that will be analyzed are: Sedmi be (1939) by Joža Horvat, Dnevnik malog Perice (1942) by Vjekoslav Majer, Pokušaj zaboraviti (1996) by Miro Gavran, Dnevnik Pauline P. (2000) by Sanja Polak and Dnevnik jedne ljubavi (2007) by Silvija Šesto Stipaničić and Ratko Bjelčić. In the first part of the work, autobiographical prose is treated theoretically, the basic characteristics of autobiographical prose are presented, the possible relationships of author, character and narrator (autobiographical contract) are problematized, and possible discursive types of autobiography are analyzed. The development of autobiography in Croatian literature for children and young people from the 1930s to today is presented. The most memorable works of that period are listed and the reason for the low publication of autobiographical and diary prose is questioned. The five selected works are presented in the order in which they were published, which provides an insight into the development of daily discourse in Croatian literature for children and young people. Attention in the considerations of the selected novels is focused on the basic semantic and stylistic determinants of the daily discourse, on the thematic features of the novel as well as on the relationship between the author, the character and the narrator. Attention is also paid to the events that are worthy of a diary entry, which initiate the action, as well as to the characters who write the diary entries, but also to some minor characters that the subjects of the diary mention, and are essential to the plot of the novel. Also, attention is paid to the time in which the work was written, the time span and the marking of that time in daily prose.
autobiografska proza
hrvatska dnevnička proza za djecu i mlade
likovi dnevničke proze
semantička i stilska obilježja dnevničke proze
oblikovanje vremena
Keywords (english)
autobiographical prose
Croatian diary prose for children and young people
characters of diary prose
semantic and stylistic features of diary prose
shaping of time
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:076733
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-09 12:06:23