Title Folklorni izričaj gornjostubičkog kraja
Title (english) Folklore Expression Of The Gornja Stubica Region
Author Ivana Zebić
Mentor Branimir Magdalenić (mentor)
Mentor Miroslav Novak (sumentor)
Committee member Ivana Nikolić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Cvrtila (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branimir Magdalenić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Dance and Art of Movement
Abstract Pojam folklor Hrvatska enciklopedija opisuje kao stvaralaštvo utemeljeno na tradiciji neke kulturne zajednice, a njime se izražava kulturni i socijalni identitet te zajednice. Republika Hrvatska ponosno ističe svoju kulturu i narodne običaje. Ljudi diljem Hrvatske ponosni su na svoju tradiciju i to uspješno prikazuju. Tako u maloj općini Gornja Stubica, njezini mještani aktivno sudjeluju u očuvanju i njegovanju svoje tradicije. KUD „Matija Gubec“ već niz godina okuplja mlade i starije članove kako bi s pomoću pjesama, plesa i ostalih umjetnosti prikazali da nema ničeg ljepšeg nego voljeti i poštivati svoje. KUD se sastoji od tri sekcija, a to su tamburaški sastav, likovna radionica „Lipa“ i folklorna sekcija. Sami KUD prikazuje i obrađuje stare narodne plesove i pjesme kraja. Jedni od najpoznatijih plesova su Drmeš i Mazurka, a sve je to lijepo za vidjeti kada na nastupima stave i svoju narodnu nošnju, koja je znak njihovog kraja. Iako izgleda jednostavno i na prvi pogled siromašno, ona prikazuje zapravo mukotrpan rad starih baka koje su ih danonoćno izrađivale kako bi imale u čemu plesati. Ovaj kraj nije samo poznat po pjesmama i plesu, on ima i svoje narodne običaje koji se još dan danas obilježavaju na sličan način kao i prije, od Valentinova pa sve do Jurjeva. Prije su se stanovnici ovoga kraja voljeli odmoriti uz zvukove glazbe ali i dobrih priča. Pričalo se uvijek o coprnjicama, duhovima i lučnjacima. Svaka priča je bila na svoj način posebna i mještani su strogo vjerovali u to što su čuli ali i vidjeli. Kada bi ispričali nešto strašno, došlo je i vrijeme za šalu. Zabavljalo se do jutra, a kako i ne bi kada nam je svima poznato da su Zagorci veoma sretan i veseli narod.
Abstract (english) The term folklore is described by the Croatian encyclopedia as creativity based on the traditions of a cultural community, and it expresses the cultural and social identity of that community. The Republic of Croatia proudly highlights its culture and folk mores. People all over Croatia are proud of their tradition and show it successfully. Thus, in the small municipality of Gornja Stubica, its residents actively participate in the preservation and nurturing of their traditions. KUD "Matija Gubec" has been gathering young and elder members for a number of years in order to use songs, dance and other arts to show that there is nothing more beautiful than loving and respecting your own KUD consists of three sections, namely the tambura band, the art workshop "Lipa" and the folklore section. KUD itself presents and covers the old folk dances and songs of its region. One of the most famous dances are the Drmeš and Mazurka, and all of this is beautiful to see when they put on their national costume at the performances, which is a sign of their region. Although it looks simple and at first glance poor, it actually shows the painstaking work of grandmothers who made them day and night so that they would have something to dance in. This region is not only known for its songs and dances, it also has its own folk mores that are still celebrated in a similar way as before, from Valentine's Day to St. George's Day. Before, the residents of this region liked to rest with the sounds of music and good stories. There were always stories about Coprnjice, ghosts and lučnjaci. Each story was special in its own way and the locals strictly believed in what they heard and saw. When they told something scary, it was time for a joke. They had fun until the morning, and how could they not when we all know that the people of Zagorje are very happy and cheerful people.
KUD „Matija Gubec“
narodna nošnja
Keywords (english)
KUD "Matija Gubec"
folk costumes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:385852
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-07-10 11:17:34