Abstract | U radu se opisuje/preispituje veza između djeteta predškolske dobi i emocija. Definirana je uloga emocija, fiziološke i bihevioralne promjene koje se događaju u tijelu, te njihova važnost u razvoju osobnosti djeteta. Opisuju se: osnovne emocije prema Williamu Jamesu i Paulu Ekmanu, terapeutski potencijal umjetničkog stvaralaštva, uloga emocija u komunikaciji i facijalna ekspresija djeteta kao važan oblik neverbalne komunikacije. Istaknuta je važnost igre i likovnog stvaralaštva u djetetovom razvoju te veza između igre i likovnog stvaralaštva. Opisana su najvažnija svojstva boja: kromatska, tonska, kontrastna, zatim psihofiziološko djelovanje te simboličko značenje boja. Istaknuta je veza između boja i osjećaja, i opisan način na koji djeca percipiraju boju. Opisane su razvojne faze dječjeg likovnog stvaralaštva kroz boju i crtež s naglaskom na prikaz motiva ljudske figure i na načine izražavanja osjećaja kroz likovni rad. U drugom dijelu rada opisuju se likovne aktivnosti i istraživanja, provedena u mješovitoj vrtićkoj skupini, s desetak djece u dobi između treće i pete godine života. Cilj istraživanja je odgovoriti na pitanja: S kojim pojmovima i emocijama djeca povezuju boje?, Prepoznaju li djeca četiri osnovne emocije?, Na koji način djeca povezuju boje s navedenim emocijama?, Mogu li djeca odrediti dominantnu emociju na reprodukcijama djela Marka Rothka?, Koje će boje djeca koristiti kako bi dočarala emocije sreće i tuge?, Prepoznaju li djeca emociju na fotografijama ljudskog portreta?, Na koji se način emocije manifestiraju u dječjim crtežima? Dobiveni su slijedeći rezultati: Djeca će tople i jarke boje povezivati s ugodnim emocijama, a akromatske, hladne i zagasite boje s neugodnim emocijama i emotivnim stanjima. Djeca
predškolske dobi između treće i pete godine života u mogućnosti su imenovati i reproducirati osnovne, bazične emocije vlastitim licem, odnosno mimikom vlastita lica. Crteži koji prikazuju sreću imaju zajedničke elemente poput osmijeha s visoko podignutim rubovima usana i predimenzioniranom glavom, što naglašava važnost emocije sreće. Nasuprot tome, crteži koji prikazuju neugodne emocije poput ljutnje, tuge i straha također imaju specifične karakteristike u vezi s oblikom i pozicijom usta. |
Abstract (english) | This final paper investigates the connection between preschool children and emotions The role of emotions with their physiological and behavioral changes in the body is defined, as well as their importance in the development of the child's personality. The basic emotions as defined by William James and Paul Ekman are worked out and the therapeutic potential of art in expressing both unpleasant and pleasant emotions is highlighted. Also, the role of emotions in communication and the significance of their influence on the behavior of preschool children are mentioned. Facial expression is also emphasized as an important form of non-verbal communication. The importance of play and art in a child's development, and the connection between playing and art are highlighted. The connection between colours and feelings is emphasized, and the way in which children perceive colour is described. The developmental stages of children's artistic creativity are described through colour and drawing with an emphasis on the human figure. The research was conducted in a kindergarten in Čakovec, in a mixed group of ten children, between the ages of three and five. The goal was to investigate: With what concepts and emotions do children associate colours?, Whether children recognize the four basic emotions; to investigate how children associate colours with the mentioned emotions?, Whether children can determine the dominant emotion in reproductions of Mark Rothko's works?, Which colours children will use to evoke the emotions of happiness and sadness?, Whether children between the ages of three and five can reproduce the emotions of happiness, sadness, of fear, disgust, surprise and anger with one's own face, i.e. with facial expressions?, Whether children recognize emotions in photographs of human portraits?, and finally, How emotions are manifested in children's drawings?. The following results were obtained: Children will associate warm and bright colours with pleasant emotions, and achromatic, cold and dull colours with unpleasant emotions and emotional state. Preschool children between the ages of three and five are able to name and reproduce basic, emotions with their own face, that is, by mimicking their own face. Drawings depicting happiness have common elements such as a smile with raised lips and an oversized head, which emphasizes the importance of the emotion of happiness. In drawings depicting unpleasant emotions such as anger, sadness and fear also have specific characteristics related to the shape and position of the mouth. |