Title Dramsko stvaralaštvo u osnovnoj školi
Title (english) Education in drama in elementary school
Author Viktorija Hrustić
Mentor Maša Rimac Jurinović (mentor)
Committee member Alenka Mikulec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božica Vuić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maša Rimac Jurinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy School Pedagogy
Abstract Suvremena škola nosi nove zahtjeve, a kao jedan od mogućih odgovora na te zahtjeve pokazao se i dramski odgoj. Dramski je odgoj dio nekih nastavnih predmeta (poput Hrvatskoga jezika), a u mnogim zemljama zavrijedio je mjesto kao zaseban predmet. U Hrvatskoj, službeno još uvijek ova ideja sustavno nije zaživjela u potpunosti, no pojedini entuzijasti uveli su ovaj predmet u srednje škole i osmislili kurikul dramskog odgoja koji i dalje čeka na odobrenje nadležnih institucija. Često se pojavljuje kao izvannastavna aktivnost u osnovnoj školi te je učenici rado pohađaju. Mnoge su prednosti dramskog odgoja koje se tiču svakog mladog pojedinca kao što je emocionalni razvitak, promicanje tolerancije među vršnjacima, zdrav razvitak samopouzdanja i mnoge druge (Škuflić-Horvat 2022). Koliko učenici više slobode imaju u dramskoj grupi, razvijaju li svoje samopouzdanje i komunikacijske vještine pitanja su koja susreću mnoge koji su skeptični prema dramskoj pedagogiji općenito (Škuflić-Horvat 2022). Kako se razlikuju tri područja dramskopedagoškoga djelovanja, ovim radom usmjerila sam se na područje dramskog stvaralaštva i opisala stvaralački proces i rad na finalnom proizvodu - predstavi. Odabran je metodički pristup od igre do predstave. U radu su usustavljene i opisane sve etape rada od formiranja dramske skupine, planiranja i organizacije predstave, izvedbe pa sve do evaluacije predstave. Opis vlastite prakse kritički se promišlja i analizira s ciljem unapređenja stvaralačkog rada s mlađim uzrastima u osnovnoj školi.
Abstract (english) As contemporary education brings new demands, theater arts education has imposed itself as an attractive modern model of studying. In many countries it is studied as a singular subject. This idea hasn't yet fully taken root in Croatia, but enthusiastic inviduals have introduced this subject into high schools and written a drama education curriculum that is still awaiting approval from the competent institutions. It appears only as an extracurricular activity in primary schools, especially in everyday classes where students gladly participate in such lessions. There are many positive stances of theatrical education which refer to every young individual such as emotional development, promoting tolerance between children, sustainable development of self-esteem etc. Theatrical pedagogy is a profession which is independent and has shown its value and contribution through its vast history. With time drama pedagogy has slowly developed culture and society at the last in Croatia and the world. The more freedom pupils have in a theatrical group, the development of self-esteem and communication are questions which face many skeptics towards drama pedagogy in general. Taking in account that students often participate in various school and extracurricular activities, this thesis examines how children's plays are formed, how can one see the entire process of its creation, what is needed for the play from forming the drama group, planning and organisation, realisation and evaluation of the play. This thesis is composed of the theoretical point of view of the studied theme and of the active reaserch in relation to the entire necessary process of the play's creation. The process of creating the text with assistance of drama plays to the very performance in front of the public is also described.
dramsko stvaralaštvo
dramska pedagogija
dramska igra
Keywords (english)
drama in education
drama pedagogy
drama plays
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:345127
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-31 07:00:24