Title Nastava prirode i društva u kombiniranim razrednim odjeljenjima iz perspektive učitelja, učenika i roditelja
Title (english) Teaching Science and Social Studies in a Combined Classes from the Perspective of Teachers, Students, and Parents
Author Marija Bašić
Mentor Alena Letina (mentor)
Committee member Višnja Rajić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Canjek Androić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alena Letina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy School Pedagogy
Abstract Nastava prirode i društva u kombiniranim razrednim odjeljenjima donosi specifične izazove, ali i mogućnosti za učitelje, učenike i roditelje. U ovom radu analizirane su prednosti i izazovi nastave prirode i društva u kombiniranim razrednim odjeljenjima iz perspektive učitelja, učenika i roditelja. Za učitelje, organizacija nastave u kombiniranim razredima predstavlja poseban izazov. Potrebno je pažljivo planirati i primijeniti odgovarajuće nastavne strategije i metode kako bi se osiguralo
... More uspješno i učinkovito poučavanje i učenje svakog učenika. Jedan od glavnih izazova s kojima se učitelji susreću je manjak vremena, budući da je nužno zadovoljiti potrebe učenika različite dobi i kognitivnih sposobnosti istovremeno. S druge strane, učenici u kombiniranim razrednim odjeljenjima često rade samostalno ili u malim skupinama, što razvija njihove vještine samostalnog istraživanja i suradničkog učenja. Ovakav način rada može pozitivno utjecati na njihov razvoj, jer im pruža priliku da preuzmu veću odgovornost za vlastito učenje i razvijaju sposobnosti koje će im biti korisne tijekom cijelog života. Pritom je izuzetno važna i podrška roditelja u premošćivanju eventualnih izazova s kojima se njihova djeca suočavaju.
Učiteljeva sposobnost očituje se u uspješnom upravljanju dinamičnim razredom te poticanju međusobne suradnje učenika. Učenik, kao ključni sudionik nastavnog procesa, iskazuje zadovoljstvo u dinamičnom okruženju u kojem uči i surađuje s drugim učenicima na nastavi prirode i društva. Takvo okruženje pomaže učenicima razviti empatiju, suradnju, solidarnost i prihvaćanje različitosti. Ono što može predstavljati veliki izazov za učitelja jest individualizacija te veća posvećenost svakom učeniku. Roditelj, kao glavna djetetova podrška, usmjerava dijete i prati djetetov napredak i razvoj.
U ovom radu riječ je o kvalitativnom istraživanju kojim su se ispitali stavovi, mišljenja i iskustva ispitanika. Uzorak ispitanika čine učiteljice razredne nastave kombiniranih razrednih odjeljenja, učenici te njihovi roditelji. Polustrukturirani intervju i anketni upitnik su dva istraživačka instrumenta koja su primjenjena u ovome istraživanju. Rezultati dobiveni provedenim istraživanjem prikazuju originalnost svake učiteljice, te korištenje istovrsnih nastavnih metoda, strategija i oblika rada. Učiteljice nailaze na najveći izazov nedovoljnog vremena te ističu prednosti pogodne za učenike, njihovu samostalnost i razvoj kognitivnih, afektivnih i psihomotornih vještina.
Većina roditelja, izražava svoje zadovoljstvo nastavom prirode i društva u kombiniranim razrednim odjeljenjima te angažmanom i radom njihova djeteta. Smatraju da učitelji uspješno ostvaruju očekivane odgojno – obrazovne ishode. Ipak, nekolicina roditelja je izrazila nezadovoljstvo te smatraju da bi njihovu djetetu bilo bolje u odvojenom razrednom odjeljenju. Učitelj s roditeljima treba ostvariti korektan odnos i komunikaciju, informirati ga o djetetovu napretku ili poteškoćama u svladavanju ishoda učenja te biti otvoren za savjet i podršku. Nastava prirode i društva u kombiniranim razrednim odjeljenjima, iako ima mnoge izazove te iziskuje veću pripremu, učiteljima, učenicima i roditeljima pruža mnogobrojne prednosti te jedinstvenu priliku za učenje i razvoj. Less
Abstract (english) Teaching nature and society in combined classrooms brings specific challenges, but also opportunities for teachers, students and parents. In this thesis analyzed the advanteges and disadvanteges of teaching nature and society in coombined classrooms from the perspective of teachers, students and parents. For teachers, the organization of classes in combined classrooms is a special challenge. It is necessary to carefully plan and apply appropriate teaching strategies and methods to ensure
... More successful and effective teaching and learning for each student. One of the main challenges teachers face is the lack of time, since it is necessary to meet the needs of students of different ages and cognitive abilities at the same time. On the other hand, students in blended classrooms often work independently or in small groups, which develops their independent research and collaborative learning skills. This way of working can have a positive impact on their development, as it gives them the opportunity to take more responsibility for their own learning and develop skills that will be useful throughout their lives. At the same time, the support of parents is extremely important in bridging the possible challenges that their children face.
The theacer's ability is manifested in the successful management of a dynamic class and the encouragement of mutual cooperation among students. The student, as a key participant in the teaching process, expresses satisfaction in the dynamic environment in which he learns and cooperates with other students in nature and society classes. Such an environment helps students develop emphaty, cooperation, solidarity and acceptance of diversity. What can be a big challenge for a teacher is individualization and greater dedication to each student. The parent, as the child's main support, directs the child and monitors the child's progress and development.
This paper is about qualitative research that examined the attitudes, opinions and experiances of the respondents. The sample of respondents consists of classroom teachers of combined classes, students and their parents. A semistructured interview and a survey are two research instruments that are applicable in this research. The results obtained from the conducted research show the originality of each teacher, and the use of similar teaching methods, strategies and forms of work. The teachers encounter the biggest challenge of insufficient time and emphasize the advantages suitable for students, their independece and the development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills.
The majority of parents express their satisfaction with the teaching of nature and society in combined classrooms, and with the engagement and work of their child. They believe that teachers successfully achieve the expected educational outcomes. However, several parents expressed their dissatisfaction and believe that their child would be better off in a separate classroom. The teacher should establish a correct relationship and communication with the parents, inform them about the child's progress or difficulties in mastering the learning outcomes, and be open to advice and support. Teaching nature and society in combined classrooms, although it presents many challenges and required greater preparation, offers teachers, students and parents numerous advantages and a unique opportunity for learning and development. Less
kombinirana razredna odjeljenja
priroda i društvo
Keywords (english)
combined classes
nature and society
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:570155
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-10-03 08:28:06