Abstract | Ples je vrlo zabavna i motivirajuća aktivnost posebno u dječjoj dobi. Spoj glazbe i pokreta izvrsno djeluje na emocionalni i somatski sustav čovjeka kao i na razvoj motoričkih, kognitivnih i konativnih sposobnosti i osobina. Plesne strukture u radu s djecom predškolske dobi su izvrsno prihvaćeni sadržaji rada tijekom tjelesnog vježbanja bez obzira u kojem organizacijskom obliku rada se primjenjuju. Cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati utjecaj elemenata folklornog plesa na koordinaciju u ritmu kod djece predškolske dobi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 21 dijete koje pohađaju vrtić u Zagrebačkoj županiji, od čega 16 dječaka i 5 djevojčica u dobi između pet i sedam godina. Od cijelog uzorka istraživanja petoro djece se aktivno bavi folklorom u lokalnom folklornom društvu od čega su 2 dječaka i 3 djevojčice. Za provjeru koordinacije u ritmu korištena su dva testa i to taping nogom i poskoci nogom. Obadva testa mjerena su izvođenjem lijevom i desnom nogom po tri pokušaja za svaku nogu. Provedeno je inicijalno mjerenje nakon čega je tijekom osam folklornih treninga uvježbavana folklorna koreografija folklornih elemenata plesova međimurskog kraja nakon čega je provedeno završno mjerenje koordinacije u ritmu. Provjerom značajnosti razlika prema rezultatima djelomično je potvrđena hipoteza jer je statistički značajna razlika primijećena samo kod testa taping desnom nogom drugi pokušaj i poskoci desnom nogom prvi pokušaj. S obzirom da u ostalim varijablama nije primijećena statistički značajna razlika ne možemo u potpunosti prihvatiti hipotezu. Za vjernije rezultate trebalo bi povećati broj ispitanika te ujednačiti omjere djevojčica i dječaka te onih koji se bave folklorom i onih koji se ne bave i uzeti ispitanike jednake dobi. Također bilo bi poželjno da djeca duže uvježbavaju folklorne elemente. |
Abstract (english) | Dancing is a very entertaining and motivating activity, especially for children. A combination of music and movement has an excellent effect on the human emotional and somatic system as well as on the development of motor, cognitive and conative skills and characteristics. Dance structures are excellently accepted by preschool children during movement work, regardless of the organizational form in which it is applied. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of folk dance elements on rhythmic coordination in preschool children. 21 children between the ages of five and seven who attended kindergarten in Zagrebian county took part in this study, including 16 boys and 5 girls. Of the entire research sample, five children are actively involved in the local folk dance society, of which 2 are boys and 3 are girls. To test rhythm coordination, two tests were used, namely leg tapping and leg jumps. Both tests were measured by performing three trials with the left and right leg. First, the initial measurement was performed. Then, the choreography with folk dance elements of the Međimurje region was rehearsed during eight folk dance training sessions. Finally, the final measurement was carried out to check the rhythm coordination. When testing the significance of the difference in the results, the hypothesis was partially confirmed, as a statistically significant difference was only found in the taping test with the right leg in the second attempt and in the jump with the tight leg in the first attempt. Since no statistically significant difference was found for the other variables, we cannot fully accept the hypothesis. To obtain more reliable results, the number of respondents should be increased and the ration of girls to boys and those who are engaged in folk dance to those who are not, as well as subjects of the same age, should be tested. It would also be desirable to extend the time for rehearsing the folk-dance elements. |