Abstract | Ovaj diplomski rad istražuje primjenu slikarstva Vincenta van Gogha u nastavi Likovne kulture u primarnom obrazovanju s fokusom na potencijal stvaralaštva Vincenta van Gogha kao poticaja za dječje likovno izražavanje. Cilj je rada povezati slikarstvo, tehnike, umjetnička djela i život Vincenta van Gogha s nastavnim metodama i strategijama u nastavi Likovne kulture i ostalih nastavnih predmeta. Također svrha je rada provjeriti utjecaj inovativnih tematskih metoda na razvoj kreativnosti i vizualnog mišljenja učenika. Prvi dio rada posvećen je teorijskoj analizi razdoblja postimpresionizma i umjetnika koji se smatraju predstavnicima tog razdoblja, s naglaskom na značaj umjetnika Vincenta van Gogha. Detaljno se istražuju razvoj umjetnikova rada od samih početaka, najznačajnija umjetnička djela, utjecaj i doprinos umjetnosti. U drugom dijelu rada provodi se istraživanje kroz likovne radionice održane u osnovnoj školi. Opisano je planiranje, priprema i realizacija nastavnih jedinica, putem kojih su se učenici upoznali sa stilom Vincenta van Gogha, proučavali njegova djela te se likovno izražavali vlastitim kreacijama. Analizom uspješnosti radionica uočena je snažna motivacijska uloga slikarstva spomenutog umjetnika u nastavi Likovne kulture, zbog koje su učenici komunikacijom i likovnim radovima pokazali zadovoljstvo i samouvjerenost u likovnom izražavanju. Rezultati također pokazuju učeničku visoku razinu kreativnosti, zainteresiranosti i motiviranosti potaknutu različitim tematskim aktivnostima. Rad potvrđuje pozitivan odnos integracije umjetničkih djela, poput onih Vincenta van Gogha, u nastavi Likovne kulture kao poticaj razvoja dječje vizualne pismenosti, estetike i mašte. Ovim nalazima potvrđeno je da postoji potreba za uvođenjem inovativnih metoda u nastavu Likovne kulture te za integracijom sadržaja o životu i radu značajnih umjetnika na učenicima zanimljiv, prilagođen i interaktivan način. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis explores the application of Vincent van Gogh's paintings in primary school art education, focusing on the potential of his work to inspire children's artistic expression. The aim is to connect Van Gogh's paintings, techniques, artworks, and life with teaching methods and strategies in art education and other subjects. The purpose of the study is also to examine the impact of innovative thematic methods on the development of students' creativity and visual thinking. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to a theoretical analysis of the PostImpressionism period and artists considered representatives of this era, with an emphasis on the significance of Vincent van Gogh. It thoroughly investigates the development of his work from the very beginning, his most significant artworks, and his influence and contribution to future art. The second part focuses on art workshops conducted in primary schools. It describes the planning, preparation, and implementation of teaching units through which students became familiar with Van Gogh's style, studied his works, and expressed themselves artistically through their creations. The analysis of the workshops' effectiveness highlighted the strong motivational role of Van Gogh's paintings in art education, which led students to show satisfaction and confidence in their artistic expression through communication and art projects. The results also indicate a high level of student creativity, interest, and motivation stimulated by various thematic activities. The students' works are considered highly successful due to the clear depiction of artistic concepts, techniques, and assigned motifs. In conclusion, the thesis confirms the positive relationship between the integration of artworks, such as those by Vincent van Gogh, in art education and the development of children's visual literacy, aesthetics, and imagination. These findings clearly indicate a need for changes in conventional art education and for integrating the lives and works of significant artists in ways that are engaging, tailored, and interactive for students. |