Abstract | Sindrom Down je genetski poremećaj uzrokovan prisutnošću dodatnog kromosoma na 21. kromosomu, što rezultira specifičnim fizičkim karakteristikama, razvojnim kašnjenjima i često intelektualnim poteškoćama. Djeca s ovim sindromom zahtijevaju posebne pristupe u obrazovanju i svakodnevnom radu kako bi se osigurala njihova optimalna inkluzija i razvoj. Ovaj završni rad istražuje najbolje prakse i preporuke za rad s djecom sa sindromom Down u obrazovnom kontekstu, uključujući intervencije, strategije i metode koje mogu poboljšati njihovo učenje i socijalizaciju. Rad se sastoji od nekoliko ključnih dijelova. Prvo, razmatraju se različiti aspekti sindroma Down, pružajući osnovno razumijevanje karakteristika djece s ovim sindromom. Zatim se analiziraju različite pedagoške metode koje su se pokazale učinkovitima, kao što su prilagođeni nastavni planovi i programi, individualizirani pristupi, te upotreba asistivne tehnologije. Posebna pažnja posvećena je važnosti ranih intervencija i inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Ranom intervencijom, kroz terapije i podršku od najranije dobi, može se značajno utjecati na razvoj motoričkih, kognitivnih i socijalnih vještina djece sa sindromom Down. Inkluzivno obrazovanje, koje podrazumijeva uključivanje djece s posebnim potrebama u redovne vrtićke i školske programe, također se pokazalo korisnim, ne samo za djecu s sindromom Down, već i za njihove vršnjake. U radu se naglašava važnost multidisciplinarnog pristupa koji uključuje suradnju između roditelja, edukatora, terapeuta i šire zajednice. Osiguravanjem adekvatne podrške i resursa, djeca sa sindromom Down mogu postići značajan napredak i biti uspješno integrirana u društvo. Ovaj završni rad doprinosi razumijevanju i unapređenju edukacijskih i terapijskih praksi za djecu sa sindromom Down, s ciljem poboljšanja njihovog kvaliteta života i potpune integracije u zajednicu. |
Abstract (english) | Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome on the 21st pair, resulting in specific physical characteristics, developmental delays, and often intellectual disabilities. Children with this syndrome require special approaches in education and daily activities to ensure their optimal inclusion and development. This thesis explores best practices and recommendations for working with children with Down Syndrome in an educational context, including interventions, strategies, and methods that can improve their learning and socialization. The thesis consists of several key parts. First, it examines the medical and psychological aspects of Down Syndrome, providing a fundamental understanding of the characteristics of children with this disorder. Then, it analyzes various pedagogical methods that have proven effective, such as adapted curricula and programs, individualized approaches, and the use of assistive technology. Special attention is given to the importance of early interventions and inclusive education. Early intervention, through therapies and support from the earliest age, can significantly impact the development of motor, cognitive, and social skills in children with Down Syndrome. Inclusive education, which involves integrating children with special needs into regular school programs, has also proven beneficial not only for children with Down Syndrome but also for their peers. The thesis emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach that includes collaboration between parents, educators, therapists, and the broader community. By providing adequate support and resources, children with Down Syndrome can achieve significant progress and be successfully integrated into society. This thesis contributes to the understanding and improvement of educational and therapeutic practices for children with Down Syndrome, with the aim of enhancing their quality of life and full integration into the community. |