Title Govorni poremećaji u djece predškolske dobi
Title (english) Speech Disorders In Preshool Children
Author Lorena Banjavčić
Mentor Đuro Blažeka (mentor)
Committee member Draženko Tomić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Legac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đuro Blažeka (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Abstract Razvoj govora kod djece predškolske dobi ključan je za njihov cjelokupni emocionalni, kognitivni te fiziološki razvoj. Govor je osnovno sredstvo komunikacije koje djeca usvajaju kroz interakciju s okolinom, a glazba može imati značajan utjecaj u poticanju ovog procesa. Kroz glazbu djeca razvijaju ritam te slušne sposobnosti, potiče se artikulacija i sve je to što doprinosi razvoju govora. Govorni poremećaji kod djece određene dobi mogu se manifestirati na različite načine. Među najčešćim poremećajima je poremećaj izgovora, koji se odnosi na nepravilnu artikulaciju glasova, te jezične poteškoće koje uključuju probleme s razumijevanjem i formiranjem rečenica. Ostali poremećaji kao što su poremećaj ritma i tempa govora, poput mucanja, brzopletosti i bradilalije, također su vrlo važni, kao i poremećaj glasa koji uključuje promjene u jačini, visini ili kvaliteti glasa. Uzroci govornih poremećaja mogu biti različiti, uključujući genetske faktore, neurološke probleme, slušne probleme, te okolišne faktore kao što su nedostatak poticanja u ranom djetinjstvu. Prepoznavanje simptoma govornih poremećaja ključno je za adekvatnu dijagnostiku i terapiju. Logopedska procjena i korištenje specijaliziranih dijagnostičkih metoda omogućuju točno utvrđivanje vrste i uzroka poremećaja. Rana intervencija je velike važnosti jer omogućuje brži napredak u terapiji i sprječava daljnje poteškoće u razvoju govora. Logopedska terapija, prilagođena određenim potrebama djeteta, može znatno poboljšati govorne sposobnosti. Prevencija govornih poremećaja uključuje poticanje razvoja govora od najranije dobi, uz stvaranje stimulativnog okruženja i redovite kontrole kod stručnjaka. Važno je reći da uloga roditelja i odgojitelja u razvoju govora kod djece ne može biti dovoljno istaknuta. Kroz svakodnevni razgovor, čitanje, igru i interakciju, djeca dobivaju potrebne poticaje za usvajanje i razvoj jezika. Nadalje, edukacija roditelja i njihova uključenost u ranu identifikaciju i podršku djetetu može značajno doprinijeti ranoj dijagnostici i uspjehu u terapiji govornih poremećaja. Briga o djetetovom govornom razvoju od najranijih dana postavlja temelj za njihov uspješan profesionalni i socijalni život u budućnosti.
Abstract (english) Speech development in preschool children is crucial for their overall emotional, cognitive and physiological development. Speech is the basic means of communication that children acquire through interaction with the environment, and music can have a significant impact in stimulating this process. Through music, children develop rhythm and auditory abilities, articulation is stimulated and all this contributes to the development of speech. Speech disorders in children of a certain age can manifest themselves in different ways. Among the most common disorders is pronunciation disorder, which refers to improper articulation of sounds, and language difficulties that include problems with understanding and forming sentences. Other disorders such as rhythm and tempo disorders of speech, such as stuttering, haste and bradillalia, are also very important, as is a voice disorder that involves changes in the volume, pitch or quality of the voice. The causes of speech disorders can be varied, including genetic factors, neurological problems, hearing problems, and environmental factors such as lack of stimulation in early childhood. Recognizing the symptoms of speech disorders is crucial for adequate diagnosis and therapy. Speech therapy assessment and the use of specialized diagnostic methods make it possible to accurately determine the type and cause of the disorder. Early intervention is of great importance because it enables faster progress in therapy and prevents further difficulties in speech development. Speech therapy, adapted to the specific needs of the child, can significantly improve speech abilities. Prevention of speech disorders includes encouraging speech development from an early age, with the creation of a stimulating environment and regular check-ups by specialists. It is important to say that the role of parents and educators in the development of speech in children cannot be emphasized enough. Through everyday conversation, reading, play and interaction, children receive the necessary incentives for language acquisition and development. Furthermore, the education of parents and their involvement in the early identification and support of the child can significantly contribute to early diagnosis and success in the treatment of speech disorders. Taking care of a child's speech development from the earliest days lays the foundation for their successful professional and social life in the future.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:038311
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) odgojitelj/odgojiteljica djece rane i predškolske dobi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-10-18 09:49:34