Abstract | Informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija nije više budućnost, već sadašnjost i prožima se u svim segmentima života pa tako i u školskome sustavu. Prvi je mjere po tome pitanju poduzeo CARNet koji je školske godine 2011./2012. pokrenuo sustav e-Dnevnik, odnosno izradio aplikaciju namijenjenu vođenju razredne knjige u elektroničkome obliku. Prve su godine u projektu sudjelovale tri srednje škole (XV. Gimnazija u Zagrebu, Gimnazija Požega i Medicinska škola Ante Kuzmanića u Zadru), a danas e-Dnevnik koristi ukupno 1009 škola diljem Republike Hrvatske. Rad propituje stavove roditelja i učenika o korištenju sustava e-Dnevnik u osnovnome obrazovanju te njihova iskustva s aplikacijom. U istraživanju su sudjelovali roditelji (N=293) i učenici (N=407) iz četiri osnovne škole na području Republike Hrvatske. Analizom podataka je utvrđeno kako je većina roditelja i učenika vrlo zadovoljna aplikacijom e-Dnevnik te ju koriste kontinuirano. Naime, 93 (32,08%) roditelja izjasnilo se kako svakodnevno koristi aplikaciju, a njih 88 (30,03%) to čini do tri puta tjedno. Kod učenika su vrlo slični rezultati, njih 156 (38,33%) odgovorilo je kako aplikaciju koristi do tri puta tjedno, a 98 (24,08%) to čini svakodnevno. Rezultati također pokazuju kako 163 (55,63%) roditelja rjeđe dolazi na informativne razgovore u školu otkako koriste e-Dnevnik. Iz toga se može zaključiti kako roditelji i učenici
imaju izrazito pozitivan stav prema e-Dnevniku, vrlo su zadovoljni njime i mogućnostima koje on pruža. Međutim, potrebno je paziti da se ne izgubi u potpunosti izravan kontakt roditelja i škole jer on daje bolji i detaljniji uvid u određenu situaciju pojedinog učenika u školi. |
Abstract (english) | Information and communications technology is not a future, it is present and it pervades throughout all the segments of life, so does in school system. CARNet took first measures about that in school year 2011/2012 and started e-Dnevnik system, that is, built an application which was intended to manage the yearbook in electronic shape. There were three high schools participating in the first year of the project (XV Gimnazija in Zagreb, Gimnazija Požega and Medicinska škola Ante Kuzmanića in Zadar), and today there are 1009 schools that are using e-Dnevnik across the Republic of Croatia. This paper studies attitudes of parents and pupils towards the usage of e-Dnevnik system in primary education as much as their experiences with the application. The research participants were parents (N=293) and pupils (N=407) from four primary schools in the Republic of Croatia. Data analysis shows that majority of parents and pupils are very pleased with the e-Dnevnik application and they are using it frequently. Namely, 93 (32,08%) parents said that they are using application daily,
and 88 (30,03%) of them are using it up to three times a week. Pupils data had shown similar results, 156 (38,33%) of them said that they are using application up to three times a week, and 98 (24,08%) pupils are doing the same daily. The results also show that 163 (55,63%) parents are coming to school more rarely since they are using e-Dnevnik. It may be concluded that both parents and pupils have extremely positive attitudes towards e-Dnevnik, they are very pleased with it as much as with all the features that it provides. However, it is necessarily to observe that direct contact between parents and the school stays constant because it gives better and detailed access to a specific situation of every individual in school. |