Abstract | Kiparstvo je umjetnička tehnika koja za likovno izražavanje koristi različite materijale kao što su kamen, glina, metal, drvo, staklo, bronca i mnogi drugi. Oni se oblikuju modeliranjem, građenjem, klesanjem, tesanjem, lijevanjem i slično. Kiparstvo je ujedno umjetnost oblikovanja volumena. U povijesti umjetnosti tragovi kiparstva prisutni su od prethistorije do danas. U odgojno-obrazovnom procesu koriste se mnoge tehnike prostorno-plastičnog oblikovanja. U području modeliranja koristi se glina, glinamol i plastelin te žica, papir i tako dalje, a osim toga u području građenja koristi se papir, drvo, karton i mnogi drugi didaktičko neoblikovani materijali. U ovo radu naglasak će biti na kiparskoj tehnici glini i osnovnoj tehnici rada s glinom, modeliranju. Osim kiparskih tehnika u radu će biti kratki prikaz povijesti umjetnosti kiparstva te životopis i djela hrvatskog animalista Branislava Deškovića čije stvaralaštvo karakteriziraju skulpture konja i psa. U drugom djelu rada je istraživanje kojim je zamišljeno utvrditi utječe li karakter i osobine djece na njihov pristup modeliranju te na njihov kiparski senzibilitet. Istraživanje je provedeno u DV Trnsko u trajanju od tri dana. Motiv istraživanja jest životinja, a tehnika koja će se koristiti jest glina. U sklopu s istraživanjem djeci će biti predstavljen životni rad Branislava Deškovića. Za vrijeme istraživanja analizirali su se pristupi modeliranja djece i utvrđivala se sličnost u ponašanju djece i njihovom kiparskom senzibilitetu. |
Abstract (english) | Statuary is an art technique for artistic expression that uses different materials such as stone, clay, metal, wood, glass, bronze and many others. They are shaped by modeling, construction, carving, trimming, casting and similar techniques. Statuary is also the art of volume design. In the history of art, sculptural traces are present from prehistory to this day. In the educational process, many techniques spatial-plastic design are used. In the field of modeling, clay, glinamol and plasticine and wire, paper and so on are used, and in addition, paper, wood, board and many other didactical uneducated materials are used in the construction field. This paper will focus on clay sculpture techniques and basic techniques of clay work, modeling. Apart from sculpture techniques this paper will include a brief overview of the history of sculpture art and the biography and works of Croatian animalist Branislav Dešković, whose creativity is characterized by horse and dog sculptures. The second part of the paper includes a research that is intended to determine whether children's character and characteristics influences on their approach to modeling and their sculptural sensibility. The research was conducted in DV Trnsko for three days. The research motive is animal, and the technique to be used is clay. As part of the research, children will be presented with the life of Branislav Dešković. During the research, the approaches to modeling children were analyzed and a similarity was found in the behavior of children and their sculptural sensitivity. |