Abstract | Ovaj se rad odnosi na selektivni mutizam koji karakterizira oko 1% djece rane i predškolske dobi, a pripada velikoj grupi posebnih odgojno-obrazovnih potreba djece. Iz tog razloga, djeca kojoj je selektivni mutizam dijagnosticiran imaju pravo i potrebu za pojačanim, individualiziranim, stručnim, odgojno-obrazovnim i rehabilitacijskim oblicima podrške. U tom kontekstu važna uloga pripada odgojitelju predškolske djece, budući da u institucionalnom odgoju djeca provode znatan dio svog djetinjstva, a stručna, odgojno-obrazovna podrška uvelike potiče primjereni razvoj djeteta, što uključuje i smanjivanje simptoma selektivnog mutizma. Različiti primjeri interdisciplinarnog tretmana pomažu pozitivnoj praksi u svakodnevnom radu odgojitelja sa djecom koja imaju selektivni mutizam. Poticanje suradnje odgojitelja sa terapeutima, roditeljima i mnogim drugim stručnjacima doprinosi djetetovom osjećaju kompetentnosti iz koje proizlazi prihvaćanje različitih metoda pri ostvarivanju interakcija kako s vršnjacima tako i sa odraslima. Također, kompetencije odgojitelja uvelike utječu na razvoj selektivnog mutizma te moguće ishode u svladavanju odnosno povećavanju teškoća. S obzirom da se selektivni mutizam, u velikom broju slučajeva, dijagnosticira u djetinjstvu, glavni utjecaj ima rana intervencija, koja uvelike pomaže u izbjegavanju kasnijih, kontinuiranih nedostataka komunikacije, socijalizacije te sudjelovanja u raznim interakcijama. Budući da je u pitanju specifična teškoća djeteta, mnogi odgojitelji nemaju dovoljno kompetencija i profesionalnog iskustva koje bi osiguralo da svakom djetetu sa selektivnim mutizmom tijekom predškolske dobi bude dostupna interdisciplinarna podrška. Svrha je ostvarena teorijskom razradom teme i studijom slučaja. Osnovni rezultat studije je da suradnja različitih stručnjaka, roditelja i odgojitelja koja se ostvaruje kontinuirano i sinkronizirano bitno pridonosi napretku i razvoju djeteta, uz istovremeno umanjivanje simptoma selektivnog mutizma. |
Abstract (english) | This paper deals with selective mutism that characterizes up about 1% of early and preschool children and belongs to a large group of special educational needs of children. For this reason, children whose selective mutism is diagnosed, have the right and the need for intensified, individualized, professional, educational and rehabilitative forms of support. In this context, an important role belongs to a child's preschool educator, since in institutional upbringing, children spend a significant part of their childhood, and professional, educational support greatly promotes the proper development of the child, including reducing the symptoms of selective mutism. Various examples of interdisciplinary treatment help positive practice in day-to-day work with children who have selective mutism. Encouraging cooperation of educators with therapists, parents and many other specialists contributes to the child's sense of competence resulting in the acceptance for different methods of interaction with both peers and adults. In other words, a competent educator increases the chances of better treatment through a variety of case studies calling for parental interviews, family opportunities, child developmental status, and observation in everyday play and non-verbal communication. Considering that selective mutism, in a large number of cases, is diagnosed in childhood, the major influence has early intervention, which greatly helps in avoiding later, ongoing disadvantages of communication, socialization and participation in various interactions. Because of the specific difficulties that child have, many educators do not have enough competency and professional experience to ensure interdisciplinary support for each child with selective mutism during preschool education. The purpose was achieved through theoretical elaboration of the topic and case study. The basic outcome of the case study is to describe the process of reducing the symptoms of selective mutism in a preschool aged boy. Thus, the conclusion is related to the better treatment of selective mutism that is achieved only in cooperation with all parts of the profession, which are responsible for the difficulty itself. |