Abstract | Emocije su subjektivne, što znači da se važnost koju pridajemo određenom podražaju razlikuje od osobe do osobe. Emocije djeteta predškolske dobi razlikuju se od emocija odraslih. Jednostavne su, spontane, kraćeg trajanja, ali češćeg manifestiranja.
Već u dobi od šest mjeseci dijete je sposobno razlikovati osnovna emocionalna stanja osobe koja se brine za njega. Istraživanja pokazuju da djeca doživljavaju suosjećajnu uzrujanost čak i prije nego spoznaju da su odvojeni od drugih ljudi. Izražavanje emocija je od velike važnosti za predškolsku djecu, bilo verbalno ili neverbalno, a postoje brojni načini da im se pomogne u tome. Gotovo sve igre, aktivnosti i tehnike koje su uklopljene u ovaj rad, mogu se koristiti u predškolskoj ustanovi.
Emocionalna pismenost je sposobnost detekcije, identifikacije i diferencijacije vlastitih emocionalnih stanja. Osobe koje su kompetentne u tom smislu pokazuju bolje razumijevanje tuđih emocija, te su uspješniji prilikom reagiranja na tuđa emocionalna stanja. Emocionalno opismenjavanje je krajnje složen proces koji za posljedicu ima dugoročno pozitivne posljedice po osobu i njezinu okolinu.
Moderni način života nameće ubrzano rastuće izazove pred djecu, a arsenal vještina koji čini emocionalnu inteligenciju toliko dragocjenom tu je da posluži kao podrška prilikom tih izazova. Sada, više nego ikada, ukazuje se potreba za smislenim radom na razvoju emocionalne inteligencije kod predškolske djece. Kod nas nema dovoljno zadovoljavajuće edukacije na temu, pa imamo stručnjake kojima je jedini fokus rada upravo dijete, a koji ni sami nisu dovoljno upućeni u emocionalne vještine, a od kojih se svejedno očekuje da istom poučavaju djecu. Očekuje se i suradnja između odgojitelja i roditelja te suradnja struke i prakse, no prije nego li se to ostvari, trebati će se ipak staviti naglasak na razvoj emocionalne inteligencije, jer ona može poslužiti kao dobar saveznik u predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju. |
Abstract (english) | Emotions are subjective, which means that significance that we attribute to a certain stimulus varies from person to person. Emotions of a preschool child are not the same as those of an adult. They are simple, spontaneous, short lived, but still they appear more often.
At the early age of six months the child is able to distinguish the basic emotional states of the person who cares for him. Research shows that children experience compassionate agitation even before they tend to realize that they are actually separated from other people. Expression of emotions is of great importance to preschool children, whether verbally or non-verbally, and there are numerous ways to help them with it. Almost all the games, activities and techniques that are incorporated in this work can be used in preschool work.
Emotional literacy is the ability to detect, identify and differentiate one’s own emotional states. People who are competent in this regard are known to show better understanding of feelings of others around them, and are more successful in responding to emotional states of others, too. Emotional literacy is a highly complex process that has long-term consequences per person and its environment.
Modern lifestyle imposes a rapidly growing challenge on children, and the arsenal of skills that makes emotional intelligence so precious is to serve as a support in these challenges. Now, more than ever, there is a need for meaningful work on the development of emotional intelligence with preschool children. There is not enough satisfactory education on the subject, so we have experts whose only focus is, simply, a child, but who are not sufficiently educated in emotional skills, and are still expected to teach children those same skills that they themselves are lacking. Cooperation between teachers and parents is expected, as well as cooperation between the profession and practice, but before doing so, emphasis should be placed on the development of emotional intelligence as it can serve as a good ally in preschool upbringing and education. |