Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je opisati te objasniti mehanizme i procese regulacije emocija te ukazati na njihovu važnost, posebno za djecu predškolske dobi jer se u ovom razdoblju dijete najbrže razvija, kako na području motorike i spoznajnih procesa tako i na području emocionalnosti.
U početku rada objašnjen je sam pojam emocija te su objašnjene faze emocionalnog razvoja kod djece predškolske dobi, kao i važnost razumijevanja emocija. Iako je mnogo različitih istraživača ponudilo različite definicije regulacije emocija, ovdje ćemo navesti samo jednu, koja regulaciju emocija objašnjava kao proces kojim osoba utječe na to koje će emocije doživjeti, kada i kako će ih doživjeti te kako će te emocije izraziti. Vezano uz regulaciju emocija, te uz navedene definicije regulacije emocija, u radu su opisane i objašnjene razne metode i strategije regulacije emocija kao i povezanost regulacije emocija sa socijalnim funkcioniranjem i privrženosti.
Važan dio djetetova razvoja zapravo uključuje učenje o tome kako upravljati emocijama na prikladne načine. Među osobnim karakteristikama djeteta koje utječu na regulaciju emocija važno je uzeti u obzir temperament, spol i razvojni status djeteta, no individualnim razlikama mogu pridonijeti i obiteljski čimbenici jer se sposobnost regulacije emocija razvija u ranom djetinjstvu iz interakcije s članovima obitelji. Pa tako, kad su djeca mlađa, roditelji su ti koji potiču strategije regulacije emocija, a kasnije, porastom dobi djeteta sve veću ulogu ima samoregulacija, a ona se odnosi na strategije koje individua koristi kako bi intenzitet ili trajanje svojih emocionalnih stanja doveo na ugodnu razinu koja mu omogućuje ostvarivanje ciljeva. U regulaciju emocija treba uložiti velik trud, kako djece, tako i odraslih, jer, kako govore istraživanja, regulacija emocija se poboljšava razvojem mozga djeteta i uz pomoć skrbnika koji djecu zapravo uče strategijama upravljanja emocijama. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this thesis was to describe and explain the mechanisms and processes of emotional regulation and to point out their importance, especially for pre-school children, because in this period the child is developing the fastest, both in the field of motor and cognitive processes, as well as in the field of emotionality. At the beginning of this thesis, the very concept of emotions was explained, explaining the stages of emotional development in pre-school children, as well as the importance of understanding emotions. Though many different researchers have offered different definitions of emotional regulation, here we will only list one which empowers regulation of emotions as a process that influences people's emotions, when and how they will experience it, and how emotions will be expressed. Regarding the regulation of emotions, and with the aforementioned definition of emotional regulation, various methods and strategies of emotional regulation, as well as the correlation of regulation of emotions with social functioning and attachment, are described and explained in this thesis. An important part of the child's development actually involves learning how to manage emotions in appropriate ways. Among the personal characteristics of a child influencing the regulation of emotions, it is important to take into account the temperament, gender and developmental status of the child, but individual differences can be attributed to family factors as the ability to regulate emotions develops in early childhood from interaction with family members. Thus, when children are younger, parents are the ones who promote emotion regulation strategies, and later, with the growing age of the child, self-regulation is becoming increasingly important, and it refers to the strategies the individual uses to bring the intensity or duration of their emotional states to a comfortable level which enables them to achieve goals. A great effort has to be put into an emotional regulation, from both children and adults, because, as the research suggests, the regulation of emotions improves with the development of the baby's brain and with the help of caregivers who children actually learn from about emotion management strategies. |