Title Roditeljsko poticanje dječjeg ovladavanja govorom
Title (english) Parent´s Encouragment of Child´s Mastering the Speech
Author Anđela Šimić
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Biserka Petrović Sočo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology General Linguistics
Abstract Kada se rodi dijete u obitelji, najveći su sretnici roditelji, a roditeljska uloga danas predstavlja velik izazov, kako u kontekstu ukupnoga djetetova razvoja tako i u kontekstu komunikacijskoga odnosno govornoga razvoja. Jezik je prirodni komunikacijski sustav, a govor je jezik u akciji, zvučna komunikacija. Prve tri godine života najintenzivnije su za jezično-govorni razvoj djeteta. Različite su teorije i metodološki pristupi pokušali objasniti spomenuti razvoj: biheviorizam, nativizam, kognitivizam, socijalna teorija. Budući da nijedna teorija nije potpuno objasnila tu pojavu, treba joj pristupiti multidisciplinarno. U radu se nabrajaju fonološke, morfološke, sintaktičke i leksičke značajke tipičnoga djetetova jezičnogovornog razvoja te prekretnice u jezičnom razvoju predškolskog djeteta. Svako dijete međutim slijedi svoj put, a na tom putu roditelji su oslonac i podrška. Cilj je ovog rada dati prikaz recentne domaće i inozemne literature o roditeljskom poticanju dječjega ovladavanja govorom. Rezultati brojnih istraživanja pokazuju da roditelji kao prva djetetova okolina doprinose razvoju jezika i govora. Govor usmjeren djetetu (GUD), ponavljanje i proširivanje djetetovog iskaza, postavljanje pitanja, opisivanje radnji i razgovaranje o prošlim događajima i druge strategije doprinose jezično-govornom razvoju djeteta predškolske dobi. Da bi dijete lakše usvojilo govor, važno je stvarati različite komunikacijske situacije. Roditelji moraju biti govorni uzori djetetu, stvarati pozitivno emocionalno ozračje povjerenja, ljubavi i slobode, na vrijeme prepoznati njegove mogućnosti te pomoći da ih neprestano razvija, igrati s djetetom različite jezične igre jer djeca koju odrasli više potiču na razgovor pokazuju višu razinu jezičnoga razvoja.
Abstract (english) When a child is born into a family, the luckiest ones are the parents and their role today represents a huge challenge both in the context of overall development and in the context of communication and speech development. Language is a natural communication system and speech is language in action, an sound communication. First three years of life are the most intense for the development of child's language and speech. Different theories and methodological approaches have tried to explain the abovementioned development; biheviorism, nativism, cognitivism, social theory. Since none of the theories has fully explained the phenomenom, it need to be approached multidisciplinary. In this thesis different phonological, morphological, syntatic and lexical features of a typical child's language and speech development are named, as well as the turning points. Every child, however, follow their own way, and on that way parents are the support. The aim of this thesis is to give insight into recent indigenous and foreign literature about the parent's encouragement of child's mastering the speech. The results of numerous researches show that parents, as the first child's surrounding, contribute to the development of language and speech. Child-directed speech (CDS), repetition and expanding the child's utterance, asking questions, describing actions, talking about past events and many other strategies contibute to the development of language and speech of kindergarten children. In order for a child to acquire speech more easily, it is important to create different communication situations. Parents have to be a language role model, they have to create positive emotional environment based on trust, love and freedom, recognize on time their abilities and assist in their constant development, and play different language games with their child becaues children that are more encouraged by their parents to engage in a conversation show a higher level of language development.
predškolsko dijete
Keywords (english)
a child of preschool age
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:893941
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
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Created on 2019-04-24 08:06:52